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Re: colors

I...on the other hand....think that if they can't see the green or the purple....too bad for them. :D
Re: colors

Of all the colors in the spectrum, Green and Purple are two that should never be banned from a B5 forum. :)
Re: colors

Alright, what is that avatar of yours supposed to be?


ps. I'm glad colors are back, but haven't had the time or inclination to figure out how to use them yet.
Re: colors

I...on the other hand....think that if they can't see the green or the purple....too bad for them. :D


It's a kitty, KoshN. It's laying on its side looking at the camera.


For those with JUST the right style sheets........... <font color="purple"> Purple </font>........ <font color="Green"> Green </font>..............and my favorite.......... <font color="orange"> Blue </font>........ :devil:

And I AM a kitty on her side staring at a camera...........just for those out there looking for me. :)
Re: colors

I was suddenly reacalling a little test a teacher gave us.......not for score, but for our own edification...........a psych teacher as I recall..........the page was filled with words of various sizes and colors........and you had to read off the<font color="yellow"> color </font>of the words in order, left to right , top to bottom, like reading the page, but instead reciting the<font color="magenta"> colors </font>of the words...........only deal was that the words were mostly all the words for<font color="cyan"> colors </font>.................<font color="blue"> red </font><font color="red"> blue </font><font color="green"> yellow </font> and so on..........it was tough, you found yourself slowing down or getting them wrong.............I think it was a left brain-right brain boxing match lesson.........I thought it was more than kinda cool too.......... ;)
Re: colors

Yeah, I can do it but I really have to slow down. Very much a right/left brain thing. The brain's got a lot of odd quirks to it like that.
Re: colors

The machine behind the curtain.......it's very cool to catch a glimpse of it's parts in action here and there........very cool.