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President Sheridan

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I have a question about Sheridan's presidency. In the last B5 episode, Delenn was telling Ivanova that Sheridan had been President till I think it was two years before when he refused staying on as President and became Ranger One. Now I know the American President can only be elected twice, now this is obviously not the case with Sheridan who was President for almost twenty years. Is he even elected? Does it work like in Canada where the Prime Minister can be re-elected as many times as possible? Or, is it his decision to stay or not, in which case he should be called King? Anyways, hope it's not a stupid question, it's just something that got me thinking.
Is that in Minbari years, Earth years, or what? /ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif

I'll guess not quite 10 Earth years ... since he had less than 20 years left to live when he became president (19 years, give or take a few days) and he had turned down re-election - meaning an election came at least once in those 20 years that isn't a multiple of 10 or 20.
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Sky:
<font color=yellow>I have a question about Sheridan's presidency. In the last B5 episode, Delenn was telling Ivanova that Sheridan had been President till I think it was two years before when he refused staying on as President and became Ranger One. Now I know the American President can only be elected twice, now this is obviously not the case with Sheridan who was President for almost twenty years. Is he even elected? Does it work like in Canada where the Prime Minister can be re-elected as many times as possible? Or, is it his decision to stay or not, in which case he should be called King? Anyways, hope it's not a stupid question, it's just something that got me thinking.</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>
It was never made clear how the re-election process works, or what the interval is. Only that he refused re-election 2 years before SiL. It was never stated anywhere, so anything you hear or see is just fan speculation.
Here is my speculation. 2 years before SiL would make 18 years of Presidency for Sheridan. Divide by 2 = 9 = 3^3 well we all know how much Minbari love anything with the number 3 in it. So i would guess either 3 year terms or 9 year terms. Now that all the loose ends are tied up it's time for me to go.

So long, until i am needed again .... *cue music*
Yes, it was never really said what the election process for President of the ISA was, and how long that person was to serve. But I would guess that since Sheridan and Delenn helped save the butts of everyone in the galaxy, I would think they would let either of them stay in the position as long as he, than she after him, wanted to. /ubbthreads/images/icons/grin.gif
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by RW7427:
<font color=yellow>Yes, it was never really said what the election process for President of the ISA was, and how long that person was to serve. But I would guess that since Sheridan and Delenn helped save the butts of everyone in the galaxy, I would think they would let either of them stay in the position as long as he, than she after him, wanted to. /ubbthreads/images/icons/grin.gif</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>
I don't know about that. Just because they saved everyone doesn't mean they know what's right for other situations that arise. After all, people in B5 have been known to lose their way (ahem Vorlons and Shadows). I would hope that they would learn from that and would have a system where TheAlmighytInCharge wasn't allowed to get out of hand.
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by A_Ranger:
<font color=yellow>I don't know about that. Just because they saved everyone doesn't mean they know what's right for other situations that arise. After all, people in B5 have been known to lose their way (ahem Vorlons and Shadows). I would hope that they would learn from that and would have a system where TheAlmighytInCharge wasn't allowed to get out of hand.</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote> I agree that gratitude only goes so far, but it's possible that Sheridan (supported by Delenn and the Mimbari, and presumably Earth Alliance) really did such a good job. Or maybe the ISA was just too new. There were so many teething problems, and the other races were just too disparate or not powerful enough politically to take over the presidency. Besides, why take on the presidency if the current situation worked to their advantage? If I draw on the example of the UN, it took decades before there were enough 'dissenting' voices to get the UN to get around to reforming the Security Council.
Also, maybe because Sheridan was the one that brought all these races together, everyone thought it was fitting to just let him be President for as long as he wanted the position, like no one else could really do it like he did.
In my experience people don't stay grateful for long. It may be a stretch to apply that to aliens, but considering the way most acted during the series, it is probably accurate for them also. It would be unusual for anyone to be president as long as Sheridan. The story behind it all would be very interesting. Perhaps it will be told one day.
The president was elected by the ISA council (formally the B5 council) Sheridan was choosen unamiously each time and it was a shock that he decided NOT to run again. When delenn was elected it was again unamious. They made mistakes of course, but in the end they were the best because they kept the peace and secured a future for all of them. We sometimes forget how massive the shadow war really had to be, whole planets being destroyed. Billions Dieing. These two people saved them all and wanted no credit, they wanted peace and everyone was grateful enough to give it to them.
I think the analogy JMS had in mind for Sheridan's position with the IA was Washington's position with the new United States. The Alliance is a "more perfect union" of the various races, going beyond the old League and the B5 Council. Similarly the Constitution established a Federal Government that went far beyond what was provided by the original articles of confederation.

In case of the U.S. Constitution there were certainly - and in the case of the IA there were probably - considerable misgivings about the amount of power the new organization, and especially its president, would wield. One reason that the Constitution was passed by the convention with both a strong central government and a strong executive is that everyone present at the debates knew perfectly well that George Washington would be first to hold the office of President. They trusted him to establish proper precendents, and not to abuse his power. He had, after all, turned down what was effectively an offer to make him King after the revolution. Sheridan similarly did not make himself President of EarthGov following the Civil War - which he certainly could have. Instead he submitted to the judgment of the lawful civil authority and his military superiors. People just love handing power to those who don't seem to want it.

Washington could have remained as President for life, had he chosen. One of the first precedents he established for the office was to decline to accept a third term, an example which held until Franklin Roosevelt and the twin emergencies of the depression and WWII. (A Constitutional ammendment has since made such serial terms impossible, restoring Washington's plan for his successors.)

Most people were comfortable with Washington at the helm,
and nobody was thrilled with his most likely successors (the very next election was the first to be decided in the House of Representatives, if I remember correctly, which will give you an idea how closely things were split.) Washington had been elected unanimously. Sheridan could similarly be seen as the one man that everybody trusted. Even Delenn might be suspected of being too partial to the Minbari. But Sheridan had burned many of his bridges with Earth, and was always scrupulously fair in his dealings with the other races. The notion that "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" probably played a part in his repeated election to the Presidency.

Indications within the show are that the President of EarthGov serves for five years. If the IA adopted the same term of office, Sheridan would have been re-elected in 2266 and 2271, then declined to run in 2276. Delenn would have been sworn in around 2277. (Assuming the President's term starts around New Year's day, and that the elections are held some weeks or months before this.) But I seem to recall Ivanova saying something about what a good job Delenn has done, "these past two years", which suggests that she didn't become President until 2278 or '79 - allowing for some imprecision on Ivanova's part in casual conversation. Kosh will probably remember something from the Centauri Trilogy that sheds some light on this. IIRC Sheridan is still President in 2278 when he and Delenn travel to Centauri Prime in search of David.

If the term is of six or seven years, the math works out a little neater. In any event I don't think that Sheridan served more than three terms, and it is even possible that he resigned in favor of Delenn before the end of his last term, and that she was later elected in her own right.


Another consideration - to to contradict earlier statements (I believe them too) - was that Sheriden represented stability and balance. Deleen did too - possibly to a very slightly lesser degree though (as said, she seemed to favor Minbari or at least look that way at times even if she would try her damnest to be fair).

The other governments were still struggling from the earlier wars and the Shadow War. None had asserted themselves quite yet in the new alliance. To them, it was probably much better to have Sheriden as president than to risk it falling into the hands of a member of a race that was very recently a bitter enemy? Think how the Drazi would act if a Brakiri became president. Think how anyone would act if a Pak'ma'ra became president! Also brings into question some factors ... like what about the races that sped their whole lives swearing alliagiance to their racial leaders on their homeworlds? Like could a Giam - bred and genetically engineered as cogs in the Nests where the Queens have absolutely rule - be impartial to the needs of other worlds? Could a Centauri (yeah, they got kicked out but if they had not, it could have happened this way) who respected the noble houses and the emporer and came from a life filled with tradition including slavory and sexism be a good leader for billions of people from dozesn of races? What happens when the Green-Purple 'elections' of the Drazi happen if one is president? Lots of bumpy roads ahead ... Sheriden was probably seen as the best person for the job and much better than any of the other choices, heh.
You brought up a good point Loadhan. It seems that the only two races all the non aligned worlds would trust (sorta) would be humans and minbari. Sheridan especially since he helped them during the shadow war. He also helped everyone equally which they probably see as a good thing.
That was what I was getting at. Since Sheridan made so many accomplishments in unifying the League Worlds and saving them from the Shadows, I would figure that they would trust him to lead the alliance for as many years as he was willing to.

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