• The new B5TV.COM is here. We've replaced our 16 year old software with flashy new XenForo install. Registration is open again. Password resets will work again. More info here.

Problem accessing user profile...

After the upgrade, I decided to reconsider if I wanted an avatar. Unfortunately, I found a little quirk in my profile (or perhaps, a more general bug in the board).

When I open "My Home" and click "Edit" for personal information... the messageboard program says:

<font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre> We could not find your profile 'sleepy_shadow' </pre><hr />

Since my account has been *somewhat* quirky since originally being registered (probably because I foolishly included an underscore)... to anyone willing to investigate, I can offer the following clue: something in my user parameters *may* be blank. My display name reads "sleepy_shadow", but I can only login by leaving my username blank.

Might this be fixable, or should I create a new account? (Because I have nothing against changing names.)
You are right. There is a login name database record, and a displayed name record. Your login name was completley blank for some reason. I've added it in and you're showing propelry now in the site admin. I also went into your account to see if I could edit your profile, and it let me into those screens (but didn't try editing anything).

Out of curiousity, how did you log in without a username?
When I initially registered my current name, it wouldn't let me login.

After becoming reasonably certain that my password was correct, I started wondering why. After a some puzzlement, I guessed that some URLencode/UUencode/armored-ascii/other algorithm must have mangled my username, and done it by encoding the underscore into something else.

So I tried putting various escape sequences which signify an underscore in various encodings (cannot remember which ones exactly) instead of the underscore in my user name.

None worked. So... guessing there was a remote chance that whatever mangled my username zapped it completely... I left my username blank, and simply entered my password.

Now that worked.
So I told my browser to remember that, and proceeded that way ever since.
Until the current problem arose.

Either way, many thanks -- I can again access the personal information, and likewise found an almost-suitable avatar.

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