Here is another question, we know that science fiction is based or projected on the science known at the time that it was created. inevitably time passes and our understanding of science grows, thus science fiction tends to have a shelf life, this includes science fiction in all the mediums from print , to tv to Movies. So the question is should we still even consider the stuff science fiction, given this reality Is it still still science fiction even though the science no longer supports it? I know that we tend to shoehorn old science fiction into the the category of Classic, its kind of like the old retirement home for this stuff. It also relates to the whole pseudo science thread of this topic.:thumbsup::vulcan:
It's most definitely still science fiction. When those shows were developed they were science fiction and outside of just the science aspect they had many of the classic sci-fi tenets included as well. Science isn't the only thing that defines science fiction.
But, as a better example, look at baseball for a second. The Padres new stadium is a much deeper park, so with that being the case should all of the home runs hit by the Padres in their old park be taken away because of how deep the new park is? It's not the best analogy, but it does show why judging the past on the future isn't always the best thing to do. Those shows were sci-fi then and they are still sci-fi now.