I do wish some people around here would drop the hero worship when its completely an inappropriate situation...and at least admit that "yea, the guy was out of line there."
And I wish that you and others would see how freaking insulting it is to have one's opinions cavallierly dismissed as 'hero worship' just because you don't agree with them or have the courtesy to *ask why* an opinion differs or even respect that a differing opinion might just be as valid as yours.
First of all, Recoil, you and Crazy are acting like I and others were saying that what happened should be incorporated into everybody's family traditions instead of simply saying that we don't think it's a big deal.
You're also acting like JMS told the story to brag instead if it simply being an example of how real life becomes part of the writing. Just as he has with many other examples from his and the actor's lives. One of the reasons for the script books, remember?
As for why *I* (and I don't speak for anybody else) don't think it's a big deal is because nobody was hurt. Show me actual, quantifiable harm that was done to another creature and I'll start shaking my finger with the rest. Until then, by my personal definition, no 'sin' was committed.
A character flaw was revealed, yeah. And if any of you are completely free of those, feel free to keep casting stones. Just because JMS has a small measure of celebrity, is he supposed to be perfect? Dream on. Maybe...just maybe I don't feel qualified to sit in judgment of somebody I don't know the way others here do.
And for the record, from here on out, anybody who dismisses a different opinion with the 'hero worship' strawman can expect to get handed his or her head. Is that perfectly, crystal clear?
--who apologizes to the rest of the group and will probably absent herself for a while.