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Question on "Shadow Dancing" and "A Call to Arms"


Question on \"Shadow Dancing\" and \"A Call to Arms\"

During both "Shadow Dancing" from season three and "A call to Arms" (telemovie), during the climax battle scenes, all sound is eventually cut and only a musical score is played.

Anyone know why?
Re: Question on \"Shadow Dancing\" and \"A Call to Arms\"

Paraphrasing JMS, once you've heard one explosion/battle/whatever, you've pretty much heard them all so he wanted to underscore the emotional impact by only giving us the musical score. I think he may have done it once in Crusade also.

I found it very effective.

Re: Question on \"Shadow Dancing\" and \"A Call to Arms\"

The sound is cut because it creates a different, more desperate mood to these scenes. That's my opinion.

Marko Marin
Re: Question on \"Shadow Dancing\" and \"A Call to Arms\"

It focuses the audiance more on the people, their faces and reactions etc., and particularly the implications and emotions of the people who are still standing rather than the corpses being blown through the air by the explosions. Having all of the explosions and such in the sound track distracts from that to a degree.

The same thing is done the movie Road to Perdition during a big machine gun fight.
Re: Question on \"Shadow Dancing\" and \"A Call to Arms\"

I believe the same thing happens in Severed Dreams when the Marines from the breaching pod are fighting security in Brown Sector.
Re: Question on \"Shadow Dancing\" and \"A Call to Arms\"

I believe the same thing happens in Severed Dreams when the Marines from the breaching pod are fighting security in Brown Sector.

I was going to say the same thing.

What everyone said is true, it makes you focus more on what is actually happening (in "Severed Dreams" it is human fighting against human) than on the noise, explosions and special effects. Kinda drives the moment home.
Re: Question on \"Shadow Dancing\" and \"A Call to Ar

I believe the same thing happens in Severed Dreams when the Marines from the breaching pod are fighting security in Brown Sector.

That's true, and I did find that scene had more of an effect on me because the music was all you could hear. It allowed my heart to feel what my brain had aleady acknowledged, that people were struggling...and dying. It seemed to make their struggle greater, their effort more heroic.
Re: Question on \"Shadow Dancing\" and \"A Call to Ar

That scene from "severed dreams" is perhaps the best example of the score being the only sound. I think though it is better if the soundless moment is brief (like in that episode). I really hated when it was done in a call to arms for essentially the whole climatic space battle. Even "shadow dancing" didn't do that.

My problem with the concept too, is not hearing all the special effects, but instead I really want to know what the people are saying!
Re: Question on \"Shadow Dancing\" and \"A Call to Ar

I really hated when it was done in a call to arms for essentially the whole climatic space battle. Even "shadow dancing" didn't do that.

Well, I loved it. Just goes to show that you can't please all of the people all of the time :D

My problem with the concept too, is not hearing all the special effects, but instead I really want to know what the people are saying!

But that's the whole point. What is being said isn't actually that important, so they drop it out and try and draw the focus to what the characters are going through.

For me the best sequence in A Call To Arms is on the bridge of Victory as they are making their "final run", Captain and XO sat stoically in their seats concentrating on what they are doing while all around chaos and explosions abound.

The expressions on their faces say everything that needs to be said. No sound, just music ... great stuff.

To me anyway :D
Re: Question on \"Shadow Dancing\" and \"A Call to Ar

I also love it when the scene rides on the music. I think the best example of this (for me) is in Severed Dreams when the EA troops breech the station - I found it very moving.

I think it is good how JMS does not glorify war, but plays with your emotions so you feel how terrible it really is. After that battle scene, rather than thinking "wahoo the good guys kicked ass", you are actually left with the feeling of a terrible loss of life on both sides! For me, it was the music and lack of sound effects that really made this happen.
Re: Question on \"Shadow Dancing\" and \"A Call to Ar

I'm guessing that this "mute-and-music" technique has been used in movies and/or TV before B5. But, doesn't it feel original, somehow, coming from B5? Even if's it been used before, I don't remember the technique in any mainstream TV shows, especially sci-fi shows, before B5.

That's just another thing that made B5 so great, that JMS was eager to try "new" ideas (or more precisely, the under-used ideas). I think that shows how the creator, cast, crew, and staff really took the show seriously and cared about an original, quality product that's a step (or several steps) above the rest of the stuff out there.
Re: Question on \"Shadow Dancing\" and \"A Call to Ar

I didnt like it myself but each to there own .I also thought that the battle scences were a little short, very short considering the importance of the battles.But then again B5 is more story based then action so I would put story first.
One thing that does P*** me off is in the ep into the fire there are a lot of scenes where you see shadow and united fleet vessels passing each other by and theres no shooting?

Me thinks there would still be shooting between the vessels.
well theres my gripe for the day.

never speak with your mouth full
never speak with your brain empty.
Re: Question on \"Shadow Dancing\" and \"A Call to Ar

I don't remember the technique in any mainstream TV shows, especially sci-fi shows, before B5.

I think JMS always tried to give B5 things that you DIDN'T find used in television. The way he used music is one, the graphics, and camera angles.

I think he even mentioned in a commentary using a classic "Hitcock" camera pull for one of the episodes to highlight a point of decision for Sheridan. The only time I recall seeing that move was when I watching Hitcock..:LOL:

It's those things that made B5 SO great!! :D
Re: Question on \"Shadow Dancing\" and \"A Call to Ar

I think he even mentioned in a commentary using a classic "Hitcock" camera pull for one of the episodes to highlight a point of decision for Sheridan. The only time I recall seeing that move was when I watching Hitcock..:LOL:

That's in "Severed Dreams" when he hears the ships from Earth are on the way and makes the decision fo break away from the Alliance. You can see on his face that he's made the decision even though he knows what it means. Great moment.
Re: Question on \"Shadow Dancing\" and \"A Call to Ar

That's in "Severed Dreams" when he hears the ships from Earth are on the way and makes the decision fo break away from the Alliance. You can see on his face that he's made the decision even though he knows what it means. Great moment.

Agreed completely. You could see that sinking feeling in Sheridan's stomache from that camera move.

Anybody familiar with any other work of John Flinn's?

Re: Question on \"Shadow Dancing\" and \"A Call to Ar

You could see that sinking feeling in Sheridan's stomache from that camera move.

That's what was so great about it, :) I got the SAME sinking feeling in MY stomach!!

As for Mr. Flinn, I found a list of his work... click here

.. :rolleyes: ..I sure hope that link works, I'm new at this!! :D
Re: Question on \"Shadow Dancing\" and \"A Call to Ar

As for Mr. Flinn, I found a list of his work... click here

.. :rolleyes: ..I sure hope that link works, I'm new at this!! :D

Worked fine, thanks. I see that he worked on Jake and the Fat Man. Wonder if that's where he met JMS.

Re: Question on \"Shadow Dancing\" and \"A Call to Ar

Here's an interesting sidenote concerning B5's director of photography, John C. Flinn III...He also :eek: dabbled in acting..You can see him in Season 3's Convictions..He played the guy that was bothering Lennier...patting his head, talking non-stop and really loud! Lennier told him he was going home because he'd been diagnosed with :LOL: "Netter's (Doug?) Syndrome"..:LOL: another B5 inside joke, I guess!

I think he did a good job, as he WAS convincingly irritating...but I think he makes a better cinematographer than an actor!! :D
Re: Question on \"Shadow Dancing\" and \"A Call to Ar

I think it's that he deliberately plays 'caricature' characters. He also was seen in Season 1 as the guy suing one of the 'grays' for having kidnapped his grandfather.
