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Rangers Redux (fiction)

Mm. I'm listening to tracks from The Gammak Bass while I'm writing this.


The infirmary was just as clean, spotless, and orderly as Martel had ever seen it. Ship scuttlebutt had it, or course, that Firell liked dust even less than she enjoyed going to a kegger in a bikini. That thought - muttered in the ship's tiny mess by tech's mate Wheeler, overheard by at least three or four crewmembers, including Captain Martel - was something that had popped up every time he had seen the tiny Minbari woman in the past day and a half. Not that he wanted an image of Firell in a -

He shook his head and met the eyes of the quiet na'shasu.

"I got a chance to do a basic overview of what you've given me, Singh," he said, clasping his hands behind him. "It's in Drazegha."

Singh nodded, her hand stretched out to one side while Firell, silent, wrapped a bandage around the jagged, bleeding cut. "You wouldn't believe what we had to go through to get this to you. But - I can't tell you how much I appreciate being picked up like this," she replied. "Drazi cuisine was beginning to make me fat."

David nodded. "Glad to be of service," he murmured, almost as an afterthought.

A dark look crossed Singh's face. She bit her lip. "Five years," she said, softly. "God, five years of running around as Meligramta. It's good to hear my name again."

Martel shifted uncomfortably. "Singh, when this is over, Tirk'll take you down to the mess - but I'm afraid we don't have anything but field rations. Then we'll get you integrated into the Liandra's system, formalize your crew assignment for this mission, get you a room. We're full up - you'll have to triple-bunk, most likely with our engineer. We don't even have a single convertible closet."

One of Firell's healers passed Singh a cup of water and the woman gulped it down, gratefully. "Oh, anything'll do."

Martel nodded slowly, and paused for a moment while the intelligence officer drank.

"My Drazegha isn't the best. I get lost on third-person tenses. But what I did understand, Ranger... well, I wasn't aware anyone survived Beta Durani 7," he said.

Singh wiped her mouth on the back of her sleeve. "Nobody did," she said. "Entil'zha sent a team of scientists and salvage experts about a week ago to piggyback a set of transports heading to Urgabzh colony. They didn't meet up with the transports as scheduled a week later - on the way back - and all contact has been lost."

Martel kept his face carefully neutral. "And that's where we come in."

The other Ranger nodded. "You know the territory, you know the stakes, and, if I may be so bold as to speak for Entil'zha, you've extricated yourself from the hands of -"

She stopped, snorted again. "The hands of the Hand. God, I can't even speak English anymore."

"In other words, we're better equipped to turn tail and run if need be. My reputation strikes again, " Martel said, ignoring her last statement. "Where does your friend fit in?"

Singh lifted her eyes and stared longingly at the door. "Can we do this over synth?"

"No, we do this here," the captain said. Martel looked up at Firell, who was tying off the bandage with a slightly annoyed expression. "There'll be plenty of time for synth."

Singh fixed him with a smoldering gaze. "No, Captain," she said. "There's not."
A question: synth?

I'd also like to add Channe that your story is amazing! /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif I'm always looking forward (very impatiently) for the next step to the story. You're doing a great job, keep it up. /forums/images/graemlins/cool.gif /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
PLEASE re-read 10/01/02 11:33 pm (est). I've changed something rather important. Hindsight's 20/20. Things should start to make sense, 'cause I know a few of you might have been concerned about why Martel was so curt with Singh. This should answer your concerns.


"I got a chance to do a basic overview of what you've given me, Singh," he said, clasping his hands behind him. "It's in Drazegha."

Singh nodded, her hand stretched out to one side while Firell, silent, wrapped a bandage around the jagged, bleeding cut. "You wouldn't believe what we had to go through to get this to you. But - I can't tell you how much I appreciate being picked up like this," she replied. "Drazi cuisine was beginning to make me fat."


"My Drazegha isn't the best. I get lost on third-person tenses. But what I did understand, Ranger... well, I wasn't aware anyone survived Beta Durani 7," he said.
Hmmm... now where is this story heading... /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif
You *could* always try politely asking your characters, in a constructive, comfortable and open-minded setting, where they *really* plan to go in the recent future... /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif

You never know. Some of them might have an idea of, at the very least, where they wish to arrive. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Well, one thing's for certain. It can't be so off-the-cuff in the future; we're going to be really getting in deep with this one.
Okay, I don't know how many times I've asked you questions like this ... sorry if I'm bothering the artist. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif

Do you think the Liandra crew will ever encounter any of the characters from "Crusade"? Gideon and Mathenson (if you believe "Warzone") were out on a explorer-class ship so they could easily be in a territory Martel and company come across. Who knows where Dureena was and what trouble she could have gotten into. We've already seen precident for archealogy in "Rangers" that could easily bring in Max. I doubt we'd see Galen and Sarah might be a little unlikely as well. I'm not saying they would be important characters - just a bit of bumping into. Paths often cross in real life and even more in fiction. Might be interesting and a good way to see some old friends, heh.

I'd imagine JMS would have brought in at least one character in a very plausible way - nothing forced - to help bring back "Crusade" once "Rangers" had been on the air for awhile. Could be fun. /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif
I think this is twice, and I'm actually more of a blue-collar kind of writer. Ask away.

JMS' original plan was to incorporate the Crusade story into Rangers, or at least that's how it came across to me. We probably would have seen one or more of the Crusade characters - hell, the Excalibur and the Liandra might have had a mission together down the line. Who knows what would have happened?

As for Redux, I can't tell you. I can tell you this, though: I'm not big on using very established characters (yeah, yeah, you don't need to point out to me the fact that I'm writing fanfic, heh heh), and within thirteen episodes the Crusaders became very established indeed.

But - if the opportunity presents itself, why not?

On the other hand, there hasn't been Redux lately because I really haven't found a good way to deal with the Hand quite yet. Who's for dumping the Hand entirely?
To be honest, I'm not sure. I think the Hand issue would have received some resolution, even if not a predictable resolution.

Even if the main story would have told of Rangers trying to nudge the glalaxy onto a path where new tragedies are less likely to start (and either succeeding, failing or just doing their part to achieve that)...

...even if hope for preventing new tragedies would have crumbled in the Drakh War and Telepath War (both of which are established events) and perhaps arisen later...

...regardless of all that, one rule generally applies. Channe if anyone probably knows it. If a gun is shown, it is likely that later, that gun is used. I would guess the Hand had some purpose. How was it resolved? Were they real? If yes, who stopped them? How? At which price? I cannot tell.

Last but not least, the really difficult one: would they serve the same (or even slightly similar) purpose in your story? Would they improve or diminish it? Would they deserve a full explanation, or only partial? Not knowing the options, I cannot properly recommend.
I decided something over porkchops and baked beans tonight. I spent the Friday commute (2-hour traffic today, ugh!) thinking up something to do with the Hand, and I think I have something snazzy.

The problem here was that I started with a purpose for the Hand, but it became increasingly clear as I wrote that it wouldn't work with the universe I was developing. There were precisely three entries on this page that I had no idea where the Hand was going to come in, and I stopped writing until I knew.

I know now. And the great thing is that the characters fit with the second Hand purpose - even better than they did with the first idea...

I've gotta stop telling you guys my secrets. You're gonna think I'm a terrible writer. /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Well, I wasn't too serious about scratching the Hand entirely. I knew the Hand had to be a part of it. That's the pilot. That's the premise. That's the jumping-off-point.

There's a great Na'feel-Kitaro exchange coming up, if I can pull it off. I'll post that tomorrow. Stay tuned.
Great, can't wait. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif More Na'Feel is never a bad thing! /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif

Hehe. No, I don't mind any of the human or even the Minbari characters... but I can't help being more interested in the Narn. Any Narn. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
...characters fit with the second Hand purpose...


What a sad and undignified fate for the Hand...
...to receive a second-hand purpose. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
I wouldn't mind it in the least to have the ranger crew of the Liandra come into contact with Matthew and company that would make for a good fan fic story idea maybe try to go into a story that involves Gideons box hmmm I might try one myself.
I swear, I haven't forgotten, there *is* more Redux coming out of my fast little fingers. It's there. It's coming...
Well, take as much time you need. I will wait patiently for more. /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif

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