• The new B5TV.COM is here. We've replaced our 16 year old software with flashy new XenForo install. Registration is open again. Password resets will work again. More info here.

Rangers web address is here

Many thanks to those of you who posted the URL. I have been a member there for months so had no trouble getting on through Netscape but Explorer was overloaded. Tried it on three speeds and only got good pictures with 56k. However the sound was good and clear with all speeds.

Loved the music. Good old Chris Franke. I'll watch the movie just to hear the music. Also good to hear We live for the one we die for the one.

It was all too short, but good to see.

If you find out how many hits they get, please let us know. I bet there are thousands.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>No, it was not clearly stated that it would be active 11-?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I never said it was. What was clearly stated was that the website would be available after the conclusion of Dune, which happened to have been at 11 p.m. EST. I guess folks who bolted from their chairs as soon as they saw the URL and didn't wait to hear the narration might have missed this.
But it was definitely said.

We didn't see the outside of the ship because they've barely started on the CGI yet, probably a few lo-res test clips to check designs and concepts. They only started working on this thing a couple of months ago and finished the live action shooting less than a week ago. We can't expect too much.

I thought what we did get looked nice. I'm just disappointed that it wasn't in a format we can download, as the Fellowship of the Ring trailer was. I keep watching that one over and over again. Maybe they'll make it available for download later. I love the fact that they're already promoting the movie, and doing so under the potential series name. I think this is a very good sign.

And yes, G'Kar clearly made reference to someone finding a city "several billion years old." Given that the universe itself is only several tens of billion years old, and that planets may take a couple of billion to cool down enough to support life, this has to be a very old city, built by a very old species.

But, for all the reasons beaten to death in several other threads, I don't think we're going to see Lorien, Vorlons, Shadows or any other beings who left Known Space forever almost four years before this story takes place unless it is in some kind of brief flashback. And for that I am profoundly grateful because I think it would be a dramatic cheat and extremely stupid of JMS to go dragging a part of the story that is supposed to be over into the new incarnation of the B5 universe.



Joseph DeMartino
Sigh Corps
Pat Tallman Division

My GOD what a hassle.... between all the registering and confirming and waiting and THEN I had to fart around and download RealPlayer... and then it's so SHORT!!! Oh well I'm ending my rant now.

Definitely cool good stuff, but in case you're wondering it was nothing that hadn't been shown at the recent B5-rangers Gathering in Vancouver. At least now everyone has seen it (well you know what I mean..) and we can Talk about it! G'Kar definitely spoke of something Billions of years old...perhaps left by the Very First Ones? Loriens people? Someone of his 'generation' in the Galaxy? Something GOOD I hope...

The avalance has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to vote.
You mean how they dragged G'Kar from B5 to this new incarnation? The first ones aren't dead and the Vorlons are popular. I hardly think it would be "cheating" if one or more returned.

Kewl, a guy on another thread apparently caught an external glimpse of one of the ships. Apparently, they are further along in the special effects department than reported.

Joe, I think you're right, I think that it IS a good sign that we're going to get our wish ;D
And as for the Fellowship trailer, I've formed a small cult of Tolkien converts by showing it to them. (I won't, by the way, admit how many times I've watched the 2nd trailer...it would betray my disguise as a normal person) Perhaps now I can do the same for B5.

"You look as though you've been terrified into another and better incarnation."
Dukhat to Delenn
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joseph DeMartino:
But, for all the reasons beaten to death in several other threads, I don't think we're going to see Lorien, Vorlons, Shadows or any other beings who left Known Space [...]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

While I can understand why so many fans keep hoping the First Ones show up again--put simply, they were rilly rilly kewl, like totally--bringing 'em back would be like constantly finding Patrick Duffy in your shower, wouldn't it?

Besides, to coin a phrase, space is BIG. It'd be more believable and more exciting for a spaceship full of explorers to find something new. Like the relics left behind by the First Ones, or even those of an ancient race that no one ever heard of.

Why restrict ourselves to what we already know, no matter how cool it was?

Joe Medina (neargrai@aol.com)

"...that which are, we are"
I'm kinda angry. I STILL HAVEN'T SEEN IT!!!! GRRRRR. Still waiting for a confirmation....

THey said this was only gonna be up for a few hours, right? So what about all the people that get screwed waiting for the registration process? There's gotta be a way to download a RealPLayer file....

"During a witch hunt, don't get caught wearing a pointy hat."
Well, now that the dam has burst and those of us who could see the trailer have (mostly), I wonder if it's a good thing to have had this taste so early. Don't get me wrong, I'm as psyched as anyone about it, but y'figure we've got till at least October and perhaps even as late as December or the first of NEXT YEAR before the movie actually hits, unless by some miracle they get the post done in time for an August showing! If not by then, it's likely SCI FI won't bother with trying to fight the premiere hype of the broadcast networks' new season in September (strike permitting, natch). Us long-timers well remember the very delayed start of B5 seasons due to this situation. October seems possible, but if not then, again November seems unlikely aa it's sweeps time for broadcast. Maybe December then, but again SCI FI has a pattern of not showing new stuff in December, rather waiting till after the holidays in January! And if you haven't guessed by now, this is but a mere sample of the kvetching, worrying and second-guessing that'll be the rule till B5LR comes out! Geez! Suddenly I can entirely relate to the die-hard Star Wars fans back in '99!

"The universe is run by the complex interweaving of three elements:
energy, matter, and enlightened self-interest." -- G'Kar, "Survivors"
Actually realplayer format can be recorded with streambox vcr. It's a niffty little program that allows you to record streams.

Actually, DarkHawke, I'm pretty sure that writers strike (which might also have turned into an actors strike, in support of the writers) was settled. I don't know any details, but I think its all a done deal. So, no strike to factor in.

"Why not? Only 1 Human captain has ever survived battle with the Minbari fleet. He is behind me, you are in front of me. If you value your lives, be somewhere else."

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