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Rant Time: Over Marketing of Shitty Movies

Does [Slumdog Millionare] stray from the Bollywood tradition that says all films can be broken down into one of three basic plot arcs? (That's what they taught us in media college... and it sounds like a harsh criticism... except for the fact a counter claim has been made that Western cinema only has 7).
Not know what they are, I can't say, but I have a feeling the answer is yes.

On the original topic, over marketing of movies that I probably can tell I will not like just from the title is pretty annoying. I do take some comfort in the fact that a year after the release of movies like Mall Cop no one will remember them, while good, or at least more memorable films tend to stay around. Unfortunately Hollywood doesn't choose to make movies based on if they will be memorable, they make it based on what will get rear ends in seats.
Unfortunately Hollywood doesn't choose to make movies based on if they will be memorable, they make it based on what will get rear ends in seats.

I never quite understood the criticism of Hollywood making movies for profit. It is, after all, a business. Unless we want to start socializing entertainment, it's best to just stick to seeing what we want. That still leaves us with plenty of ways to kill time.
Its not so much a criticism as much as an observation. I know that its a business, and its objective is to make a profit, but I think we are all bit frustrated at how movie studios keep turing out the same crap again and again, and trying to get us to like it. Its the old commerce vs. art arguments, and I think we have talked about it before.
Hollywood doesn't give a damned about the audience, When they do a movie, it no longer has to be box office gold, no, they got the dvd market to pick them up if the film fails at the box office. They make most of their money when the film goes dvd. and cable.Look at films like Doom and Dungeon Seige, little thought went into the stories and why? Because they made money which is also their Their motto. The customer will buy regardless of quality either in the theaters , in the stores or at home. So what we end up with is crap for the most part, we get some good films, but much of the stuff coming out of the Hollywood dream factories is drek.
I have no issue criticizing it. When I hear of people getting paid to crank out crap that they otherwise wouldn't wipe their butts with, I get a little cranky. :)

But, it's keeping folks in the industry in business, I guess. That's a positive thing.
Or it's just another opportunity for people on the internet to sit around and pat themselves on the back about how superior their tastes in entertainment are to others.

What I meant was:

Studios make movies they think people want to watch. People watch the movies that studios make. Both are complicit. Round and round it goes.
I'll say it, I watched Paul Blart and laughed my ass off. I thought it was a decent movie. My wife and I went to see it last week because we just wanted something to laugh at; nothing we had to seriously pay attention to or give a lot of thought to. The only advertisements I had seen previously had been trailers while watching other movies. I don't have cable tv so I never have to watch all of the marketing that they put on tv. However when watching a movie in the theater you are forced to watch the "First Look" segment they show before the previews where they interview actors and talk about upcoming movies.

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