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Re: Poll: When you view the telemovie, will you watch it...


Super Moderator
Re: Poll: When you view the telemovie, will you watch it...

When you view the telemovie, will you watch it...

With family?
With a friend?
With a group?

Well, for the first showing I'll be watching it alone, with the phone ringer turned off (no interruptions), and I'll be taping it on SVHS.

Subsequent viewings will be with family and friends, but that first one will be mine, all mine.

Vorlon Empire

"To Live and Die in Starlight"
pilot movie for "Babylon 5 - The Legend of the Rangers"
January 19, 2002 at 9PM on The Sci-Fi Channel.
Hee! That might be a good idea -- I have one friend who I'd like to introduce to B5 (she's heard of it but "never really got into it" -- something I hear waay too often), but she talks and asks questions throughout any tv show or movie. Maybe I'll tape it and sit her down later and watch it again . . .

I hope to find people to watch with, though. A group of people in the marching band get together and watch Enterprise, why not B5? ^_^

I would watch it alone, or maybe with a friend who is also a B5 fan, but as it is only on scifi i can not get it.


When I eventually get to see it it will be alone so I can enjoy it without people talking....

"When it is time, come to this place, call our name, we will be here" -Walkers of Sigma957
I will be watching with my 13 year old son. We watch B5 together and when LotR goes to series, it will become the new Hour of Silence.

Expect me when you see me.

[This message has been edited by TechnoMaggard (edited December 08, 2001).]
Hi KoshN, I like your plan

Being without SciFi means I will be going to my friend's house to watch it, and at the mercy of him & his guests [assuming there are others]. I can, at least, count on watching it with another fanatical B5 viewer, who I've been able to share my jones with these recent weeks.

Hello, I am a signature virus. Add me to the bottom of your sig and help me take over the world!
I'll be watching it alone
,unless any of you lovely ladies would like to come over
... I'll also be taping it then I'll go back and edit out the commercials later, I hate comercials.

A proud member of the Wind Swords.
"War is life and death is the only true peace."
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by whitestar90:
When I eventually get to see it it will be alone so I can enjoy it without people talking....


Me too.

No one here is exactly what he appears.
G'Kar - Andreas Katsulas

Nothing's the same anymore.
Commander Sinclair - Michael O'Hare

Babylon 5
I'll most likely watch it alone. It's funny, Mom and I have our own tvs in our bedrooms, so we watch tv in our rooms. The living room is downstairs, which is unheated, quite unpleasant in January weather.

Do you dare to enter tygirwulf's Lair?

We are all the sum of our tears - too little and the ground is not fertile and nothing can grow there; too much and the best of us is washed away. - G'Kar
We'll be screening the telemovie at LyCon. Not the night of, because the facilities we're using don't have a TV connection, but after - we'll edit out all the commercials, pop it in, and watch it on the big-screen.

Don't worry about getting tickets for LyCon. The attendees average around 15 people every year. It's an excuse for some of us to get together and act like geeks.

The writer's life is not meant to be a happy one. We all accept that going in. -JMS
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by BlackStar:
People *always* call when I'm watching B5. It never fails. Not 10 minutes before the show, not 10 minutes after, if the phone rings, it will be during B5.


See, that's what I've got an answering machine for.

And I'll be watching alone, too. Unless you count the drool mop and pail.


A ship in a port is safe, but that's not what ships are for.

Rear Admiral Grace Murray Hopper
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Technomage Roanna:
And I'll be watching alone, too. Unless you count the drool mop and pail.


Who's the drool mop for, Roanna?

The writer's life is not meant to be a happy one. We all accept that going in. -JMS
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by channe:
Who's the drool mop for, Roanna?


Well, there's several excellent possibilities, of course.

But you know what they say...

Once you go Drazi, you never go back...

Now, where are those pompoms....


A ship in a port is safe, but that's not what ships are for.

Rear Admiral Grace Murray Hopper
I will be watching it alone since it will be on tape and I can run it any time I want. I don't get the scifi network so a friend is going to tape it for me.

I always seem to be diagonally parked in a parallel universe.
Should I ever get to see it, I'd probably watch it alone. With a cat glued to my lap.

"Narns, Humans, Centauri... we all do what we do for the same reason: because it seems like a good idea at the time." - G'Kar, Mind War
Kribu's Lounge | kribu@ranger.b5lr.com
well once i can find some friendly north american to tape it for me and send me a copy (obviously receiving money to cover costs!!) i'll watch it with a fellow B5 fanatic... twice...

generally we watch it the first time thru 'seriously', then immediately after, with the story still fresh, we watch again to look for the hidden elements, discuss effects, storyline etc...

and some people call us 'geeks'! sheesh...



<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kribu:
Should I ever get to see it, I'd probably watch it alone. With a cat glued to my lap.


Ah, a fellow cat chair! I like sitting cross-legged on my couch. Both of my cats, my first one and my current one, have always taken this to be a perfect cat chair, and an open invitation to use it as such.

Does keep the blood pressure down. Until you need to get up for some reason!

Isn't there a story of someone, the Dali Lama maybe, who cut the sleeve off of his robe so that he would not disturb a sleeping cat? I think my cat was reincarnated from that one. She always acts so offended when I have to get her off my lap!

I, too, will be watching with my cat probably. But Nielson doesn’t count pets. (Too bad!)

By the way, have you ever heard of/seen tv spots that have been specifically designed for cats? (Out of Japan, I think.) I saw one on the news one day a year or so ago. My cat actually woke up from a sound, sound sleep and immediately stared at the tv screen (she normally ignores the tv).

We’re doomed. Advertisers will pick up on this very soon, I’m sure.

(Spirit): “If it is too hard a lesson for you to learn, then learn this lesson:”
[Shows emaciated children at his feet.] (Ebenezer): “Are these yours?” (Spirit): “They are Man’s. They cling to me for protection from their fetters. This boy is ignorance, this girl is want. Beware them both, but most of all, beware this boy.” (Ebenezer): “Have they no refuge, no resource?” (Spirit): “Are there no prisons, are there no workhouses?”


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