So here is a question I pose to anyone still regularly checking in. Do you prefer the reaction format or would you rather just have a five to ten minute video review of an episode?
I keep trying to get my friend to watch the show. It has been a struggle. One excuse he gives is that I haven't come up with a format we can use for YouTube.
So would you say reaction videos like these are best or say more of a Podcast format? And would you rather just hear from someone whom has never seen the show before or would you be more inclined to watch if it were someone who had never seen the show before with a long time fan?
He wants to do videos that react to multiple episodes, but it has become my thinking that attention spans die quickly after the first five minutes. So I lean more toward individual episode reviews that last between four and ten minutes.
BUT what I really want to know is your opinions. :thumbsup:
Am happy to sit through JMS's full-length videos as those are great from beginning to end, but he doesn't show any of the actual episode so has no issues with Copyright or Fair Use. If you were going to show content, then it would have to be short as you would only be allowed a few minutes of material max.
But if you aren't the show's creator and don't have as much to say,

a shorter Best Of would certainly speed things up. Was flipping channels last night and stumbled over a 5-ish minute review of the original NotLD - footage included - that covered the plot (pun) from the cemetery to the final gunshot.
As for a single video with multiple reviews or individual videos, wouldn't individuals allow for more copyrighted content per video and more accurate title descriptions: Review of Points of Departure vs Review of Some S2 Eps.