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Rebirth ceremony and Marcus


Right, this will have spoilers for season three and four, so if you don't want to know what happens, look away now.

Are they gone yet? :D

I was getting into the Marcus mindset in preparation for writing a fan-fic, and I got thinking about the rebirth ceremony and why Marcus never participated.

His reason was pretty good about having nothing left to give. Of course in my story I'm having him not taking part because the only thing he has to give is his daughter. (Don't panic! It all makes sense. Read my story 'Rediscovering Marcus' on fanfiction.net. My B5 stories )

Well, it suddenly occured to me that Marcus did perform a rebirth ceremony, at the moment he 'died'. He told a secret that he had never told before; 'I love you', and he gave up somthing that meant a great deal to him; his life.

Any comments?
That's an interesting connection that I had not noticed before. Marcus DID tell a secret that he hadn't shared with anybody else and he DID give up something important to him. I guess that technically he did fulfill the ritual of the rebirth ceremony. There was no overt dialogue that connected the two events, so I've missed it all this time.

This got me thinking about another question. When Marcus died (was put in stasis or whatever), what happened to his fighting pike? IIRC from To Dream In The City Of Sorrows, his pike was very old and precious. Was it placed in stasis with him. What happened to his Ranger pin, for that matter? I wonder if Susan held on to them and used them when she became Ranger 1 in "Sleeping in Light."
jms stated in one of the magazines that Marcus' pin disappeared from his body, so perhaps Susan took it.

I like to think that his pike got given to Lennier, which is why he makes a point of meditating with it during the Day of the Dead. Maybe Lennier was expecting Marcus to appear instead of Morden.
Well, it suddenly occured to me that Marcus did perform a rebirth ceremony, at the moment he 'died'. He told a secret that he had never told before; 'I love you', and he gave up somthing that meant a great deal to him; his life.
Sorta...I guess. I mean I get the first two things (the secret and giving someting up) but the all important third part was left out. The REBIRTH PART. He DIED! :p
The thing about that episode is that Marcus explains that he doesn't have anything left to give. Yet, he does...his life.

Which, eventually, he did give up...so that Ivanova could be "reborn."
Exactly :cool:

Isn't B5 great? Five years after it finished, we're still seeing new things and new meanings.