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Redemption 05

For those interested, among other things at Redemption Jason Carter will be doing a poetry reading session and running a poetry writing workshop.
I'd be most interested in finding out why the Redemption organisers are not processing applications, sending out tickets, or replying to emails! Their web site has no number to call, either. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to contact them? I'd love to register for this, and see Jason Carter, but they don't seem to want to talk to their potential customers.
First, the organisors are all fans who do this in their spare time, so please be nice to them.

This page: contact info has various adresses for you to try. Otherwise, Steve Rogerson seems to browse a number of boards, including this one, so might well see your post and pass the info on.

If you do come, look out for me. I registered not long after the last one.
First, the organisors are all fans who do this in their spare time, so please be nice to them.

I'd love to be nice to them if they'd only speak to me or respond to letters and emails!

This page: contact info has various adresses for you to try.

Yes, I've tried those.

Otherwise, Steve Rogerson seems to browse a number of boards, including this one, so might well see your post and pass the info on.

Hope so!

If you do come, look out for me. I registered not long after the last one.

Oh, I'll certainly be there if they ever get rund to processing my registration! :D
Thanks for passing me the details. Seems I have to send another registration and cheque as the first didn't arrive, and for some reason the spam filter blocked my query email :rolleyes:

Not exactly easy people to contact, but I know what I need to do if I decide to go ahead and risk sending another registration. Thanks again for stepping in.
No problem. You now also have my email address so if you hit any more problems, just drop me a line and I'll try to sort it for you.
A Romantic Fantasy

Jane Killick - the author of the Babylon 5 season-by-season guides and a guest at Redemption 99 - will be at Redemption 05 and will be showing her latest project, a short film that she wrote, directed and produced:

APRIL: A Romantic Fantasy by Jane Killick (20mins)
Jason has fallen on hard times and rents out his spare room to April. She begins to make herself part of his life, but he suspects April is not all she seems. What is her connection to the calendar that hangs in his kitchen? Can their relationship survive when Jason discovers the truth?
Re: A Romantic Fantasy

Maybe it's just my current under the influence state of mind, but that sounds like quite an elaborate plot for Jane's "romantic fantasy."

Whatever it may be though, I'm glad to hear that Jane is continuing her career in wriring. I, for one, have loved her Babylon 5 seasonal episode gudes, and as an extention of such am glad to know she's continuing her career in writing.

Go Jane go!
Redemption reminder

As Redemption is now less than six weeks away and we don't take postal registration in the two weeks before the convention, it seemed a good time to issue a reminder. The details of the event are:

Redemption 05, 25-27 February 2005
Blake's 7, Babylon 5 and Beyond
Hinckley Island Hotel (formerly the Hanover International Hotel),
Hinckley, Leicestershire, UK

A weekend membership for an adult costs £50 in advance or £55 on
the door and a one-day membership £30 in advance or £35 on the
door. Under 18s for the weekend pay £15 or, for one day, £10.
Under 3s are free.

The event starts at 2pm on the Friday afternoon and runs until
late Sunday evening.

For those who have never been to a Redemption before, these are
very different to a lot of media conventions in that the
programme is not based around star guests but rather fan-run
panels, workshops and games. In fact, some of the people on these
email lists are already down to run panels, so there will be quite
a few known faces.

We will have a small number of guests. Babylon 5 actor Jason Carter is coming as is B5 and Dr Who author Jim Mortimore. B7 effects wizard Mat Irvine will be there with lots of his props. The Blake's Junction 7 people are also turning up, so you will have another chance to see their Blake's 7 spoof.

If you want more information, drop me an email or check out the
Redemption web site:

Re: Redemption pictures

You can easily spot me. I'm the one dressed as Grace in the massive turquoise dress.