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Robert Downey Jr. is Iron Man

Keep him Clean?, Iron Man, Tony Starks, at various times is a drunken, pain killer addicted mess. So Downy is perfect casting.
Keep him Clean?, Iron Man, Tony Starks, at various times is a drunken, pain killer addicted mess. So Downy is perfect casting.


Surprisingly, when you need to act like a drunk/stoned/wasted, you can't actually BE drunk/stoned/wasted. :LOL:

It takes a sober person to do drunk well. ;)

But I really must say, as little as I know about this character, my first thought was "he is a good choice". :LOL: :eek:
You know, if they can keep him "clean", I think he'll be a FAR better choice. :cool:

Strangely, Downey's addictions have never been a problem on set. He is consistently on-time (if not early), knows all his lines, and is supposedly a pleasure to work with. It's was usually in between jobs that he jumped off the deep end, then he would end up spending the next several months in jail or rehab fielding offers.
Ah, interesting. He doesn't handle down-time well. :eek:

Sorta like Sherlock Holmes, who only injected morphine or cocaine when he was between cases and bored.

Or Gen. Grant, who far from being an habitual alcoholic was an intermittent binge drinker who really only got plastered when two things were true:

1) He had been separated from his wife Julia for a long time and

2) there was nothing going on militarily.

He drank while on garrison duty in peacetime when he was alone in Califiornia and his family back in Illionois. That led to his resignation from the Army.

The only time during the Civil War that he really went off the rails was during the siege of Vicksburg . At that point he hadn't seen Julia in months, and he was in the process of slowly starving the garrison into submission. Except for a little sniping and some artillary exchanges there was little fighting, absolutely no manuevering and pretty much nothing for a commanding general to do. So he went on a three-day bender. :) But he basically ddn't drink for the rest of the war - he was either too busy, had Julia with him in camp, or both. (Grant actually couldn't hold his liquor worth a damn and got drunk very easily, another sign that he wasn't a chronic alchololic.)



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