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Role-playing game...

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I have the main rule book, but I've never played the game. The system doesn't really look that good either.

An Old Egyptian Blessing: May God stand between you and harm in all the empty places that you must walk.

Thoughts & prayers to soldiers fighting overseas and to their families.
I have the main rule book and the Earthforce source book. I've run one game (set in the Earth-Minbari war to help the players get back to the mindset of the first season of B5) and would certainly run it again. Unfortunately, my gaming time is limited and we have a lot of games that we want to play!

I have the core rule book and the EF source book. Both are pretty good but they lacked stats for the characters of the show and I had to make them all up. I wasn't too thrilled about that but the game mechanics are alright once you play it often enough.

I have a blast with the game. My favorite game adventure is the one I'm running now. My players are going up against the Dilgar in the time period of Crusade. In my game not all of the Dilgar died. The surviving Dilgar were found by the Shadows and became one of their many servants of Darkness. They are now leading a war against the Alliance seperate from the Drakh and armed with Shadow tech. It's been fun so far

Does anyone else play the game on a reguar basis? I'd love to hear about the adventures that others have going on.

The game sounds like a blast. I've never seen any of the gaming books. I wonder if I would be lucky enough to find at least one of the books at the gaming shop I go to. Probably not. *L* They don't have the best selection. Has anyone had any luck with ordering the books online?

Ivanova is always right. I will listen to Ivanova. I will not ignore Ivanova's recommendations. Ivanova is God. And if this ever happens again, Ivanova will personally rip your lungs out.
I have the Core book, EF Sourcebook and GM screen.
It's nice, but the system sucks. And they cancelled it much too soon - there are Tons of info I still need - especially about the other races... (I mean, who really needs a bad rule system if one can convert the whole thing to GURPS, right?
I really wish some other company would pick up the ball and make a B5 RPG of their own (this time with improved continuity control, and better rules...)

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>My players are going up against the Dilgar in the time period of Crusade. In my game not all of the Dilgar died. The surviving Dilgar were found by the Shadows and became one of their many servants of Darkness. They are now leading a war against the Alliance seperate from the Drakh and armed with Shadow tech. It's been fun so far<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Interesting. That makes four people now who had this particular storyline idea... I have been working along similar lines for a planed RPG campaign I am in the process of building... am currently doing their ships for the Babylon 5 Wars space combat boardgame, which I intend to merge with the RPG part somewhat...
Ranger Bower, I would be interested in hearing your take on this - perhaps mail me at: shadowscout@chello.at

Roman Alexander

"Go on, watch out for Shadows - we'll watch you right back!"

What do you want?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ivanova:
The game sounds like a blast. I've never seen any of the gaming books. I wonder if I would be lucky enough to find at least one of the books at the gaming shop I go to. Probably not. *L* They don't have the best selection. Has anyone had any luck with ordering the books online?


That's exactly what I thought, till about 10 days ago I was browsing the shelves, trying to decide on D20 star wars or some DnD extras, when I suddenly noticed a single copy of the game, all alone in the game shop. And yes you can shoot me for that one.

Your best bet is probably eBay or such. I'm trying to find the EF sourcebook there. A reliable source tells me that's all they ever released.

Lyta had a little Vorlon
Her skin was pale as snow
And everywhere that Lyta went
Her Vorlon was sure to go.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> I really wish some other company would pick up the ball and make a B5 RPG of their own (this time with improved continuity control, and better rules...) <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It would be nice if Wizards of the Coast or Last Unicorn Games would pick up B5. WotC does the new edition of D&D, and Last Unicorn does the new Star Trek games (which is probably the very thing that would keep them from doing B5 too).

GURPS would be almost *too* generic for B5. I know that's the point of GURPS, but I think B5 deserves a more specific set of rules and more diverse attributes (however, not 12 like the current game system has; 8 like Ars Magica or 9 like the vampire/werewolf games is enough).

Just as long as Atlas Games doesn't get a hold of B5. Atlas ruined the fourth edition of Ars Magica. Luckily, I also found the 3rd ed. of AM.

An Old Egyptian Blessing: May God stand between you and harm in all the empty places that you must walk.

Thoughts & prayers to soldiers fighting overseas and to their families.
I always thought D20 was a little too simple as a system, but had the right idea. Perhaps a modified D20 system.

Lyta had a little Vorlon
Her skin was pale as snow
And everywhere that Lyta went
Her Vorlon was sure to go.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ninja_Squirrel:
It would be nice if Wizards of the Coast or Last Unicorn Games would pick up B5. WotC does the new edition of D&D, and Last Unicorn does the new Star Trek games (which is probably the very thing that would keep them from doing B5 too).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Actually, the "Star Trek" licence is currently with Decipher. I think that LUG may have actually folded, but I believe that Decipher used a number of the designers of the LUG game on their design team.

As to where to find a copy of "The Babylon Project", you may actually have better luck with book stores, both physical stores and online ones. If they laid in a stock, and our local Waterstones had a couple of copies some months ago, then they may still have some lying around somewhere, and they're less likely to be spotted by a games fan. In fact, I managed to pick up a copy of a long out-of-print Call of Cthulhu supplement just last year from amazon.co.uk! Good luck!

I'm afraid I know nothing of the B5 wars game but any use of the Dilgar is cool in my book
. In my opinion they are such an interesting and cool race. A wonderful combination of intelligence, cunning, and fierce fighting skills. I wish we could have seen more of them in the show though.

A game with them should be very interesting and fun. Especially a space battle like you have in mind. Their expertise in combat combined in any game like B5 wars should make for some intense moments.

Best of luck on the game!

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> any use of the Dilgar is cool in my book . In my opinion they are such an interesting and cool race. A wonderful combination of intelligence, cunning, and fierce fighting skills. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Where did you hear THAT?

The only thing we know about the Dilgar from the Show is that:
A.) They instigated a very Bloody war about 15 - 20 years previous.
B.) The race is extinct, their sun having gone Nova.
C.) Their prime warleader was the most cold blooded, sociopathic, genocidal monster any of the races had ever seen.
A woman whose victims numbers in the millions and who was hoping to increase that count to Billions as her "legacy".

That's a strange sort of person to admire.

Do not ascribe your own motivations to others:
At best, it will break your heart.
At worst, it will get you dead."
You misunderstand me. I don't admire the Dilgar as heroes but as villains. I think they make great villains because of the various reasons I stated and for the ones you listed as well. I didn't find Jha'dur bland or dull as can usually happen and so I became very interested in her and her race....but again, as villains.

Make no mistake, I'm always cheering for the heroes but to me, good villains can really add to the drama and enjoyment of a story.

That's what I got fom Jha'dur.

As for where I got my views on the Dilgar? Just from the episode "Deathwalker" and various readings about what they did and accomplished in the Dilgar war. I'm just reading into things that have been established a little more deeply than some I guess but it's just my opinion of them.

Does anyone know of any online Babylon 5 RP games? I don't see an RP forum on this board, but there might be one somewhere else. I would appreciate any information you could provide.


Keeper of Rommie's Quarters
Commanding Officer of Zeta Squadron
Sworn to Protect the GODDESS
Recipient of the Golden Rommie
"You've just started a war. One you're going to lose." Rommie - All Too Human
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>I'm afraid I know nothing of the B5 wars game but any use of the Dilgar is cool in my book.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Well, you should go and look at their apperance in B5W then. You can find a complete overview of their invasion into League space, the ships they used then, background info on the Dilgar Imperium, the life story of Jha'Dur, and of course info on all the races they fought in their war. And someday in 2002 info on the Dilgar ground forces in GROPOS (complete with tank miniatures...)
See Agents of Gaming for more info...

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>In my opinion they are such an interesting and cool race. A wonderful combination of intelligence, cunning, and fierce fighting skills. I wish we could have seen more of them in the show though.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Me too. But who knows, perhaps some day they'll make one or two TV-movies about the Dilgar War... one can hope...

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>A game with them should be very interesting and fun. Especially a space battle like you have in mind. Their expertise in combat combined in any game like B5 wars should make for some intense moments.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>The only thing we know about the Dilgar from the Show is that:
A.) They instigated a very Bloody war about 15 - 20 years previous.
B.) The race is extinct, their sun having gone Nova.
C.) Their prime warleader was the most cold blooded, sociopathic, genocidal monster any of the races had ever seen.
A woman whose victims numbers in the millions and who was hoping to increase that count to Billions as her "legacy".<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
And most important:
D.) That they nearly succeded in their invasion of League space - only the EA's involvement turned the tide against them.

All that makes them a real good "evil empire" for story purposes - they are aggressive, vicious, and competent. The heroes will see the need to fight them, it will be a nasty fight, and they will have to work hard for victory.
The Dilgar are just real good villains for a RPG campaign (or a game, or a movie, or a book...).

Ranger Bower, I'd really like to exchange ideas. Mail me: shadowscout@chello.at

Roman Alexander

"Go on, watch out for Shadows - we'll watch you right back!"

What do you want?

[This message has been edited by ShadowScout (edited January 12, 2002).]

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