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Room For Rangers?

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> If this was intentional, I hope the responsible parties burn in hell. Yes, this REALLY pisses me off!

Never attribute to Malice what can be adequately expplained by Stupidity.

Storing valuable property in warehouses with leaky roofs, no AirCconditioning and no security is an ongoing problem in the studios.
They have been doing it for as long as they've existed and never seem to learn better.

I wouldn't be surprised to see some of the missing stuff on a Dealer's table at a convention sometime.
Unless it's been there and vanished into some Fanboy's "private collection" along with Ivanova's Nightgown.

There was a dealer arrested at a con several years ago with a bunch of Trek:NG uniforms burgled straight out of Paramont's wardrobe dept.
The idiot seemed to think Wardrobe wouldn't Notice the stuff was missing when it came time to dress the actors and their clothes were missing.
Or that selling stuff like that openly wouldn't be noticed by the people Paramont had at all the Cons around the country looking for it.

Do not ascribe your own motivations to others:
At best, it will break your heart.
At worst, it will get you dead."
Re: Room For Rangers.

Ya, with Invisible Man, Lexx, and Chronicle gone they have room for Rangers.

Lets see, unless Strange World does great in the ratings, they will only show the 13 episodes..well..unless it does VERY bad in the ratings..then they will only show 3 episodes like ABC did (or like Sci-fi did with Now & Again orignally..showed three or four..or Earth: Final Conflict orignally).

So really all they have left is Stargate and Farscape.

So they will need new programing.

Now we know theres no way Rangers would be ready for summer, for a Friday prime of Stargate and Farscape, so prob they will run some sort of reruns along with Farscape & Stargate.

Prob some short-lived show like Strange World.

(aside: In my dreams they'd pick up Enterprise reruns, since I don't get UPN..I don't get to see them, but ya, right..like that would happen.. OR better yet, prob, Jermiah reruns!)

Or its possible they might run Crossing Over with..umm..never mind I don't want to even finish that thought.

But ya they will need some new programs.

Like someone said earlier, a night of Farscape, Stargate, and Rangers would be great.

I know I'd watch all three! Heck, I'd tape all three!

Here's hoping! *crosses fingers*

Also like to say: Thank goodness Lexx is gone!

I'm getting tired of seeing those stupid advertisements for it. Stupid stuff like that, IMO, makes sci-fi look bad.

Now if only Sci-fi would get rid of Cleo and John Edward..*sigh*

Anyway, can't wait till Farscape comes back!

I'm a huge fan of the show (my fav episode right now is Revenaging Angel!) and can't wait to see the final 4 of S3 and Season 4 in June!

Also can't wait to see Stargate! I've only seen a few episodes, back when I had Showtime for awhile, and liked 'em. Can't wait to see the runs and new ones.

" Likes Sci-fi but thinks the only good (great, IMO, in Farscapes case) orignal progaming they have/had is Farscape and The Chronicle (although its gone done hill a lot). And of course Dune was a great mini-series. Hope Taken & Riverworld are good."

I think you've forgotten about new episodes of Outer Limits.

The thing we can't forget is that SciFi has other irons in the fire. They are looking at other series as well. One is "Riverworld". There are two others that TVTracker.com (a tracking service for TV development) has listed.

I also heard that the producers of Outer Limits have a deal to develop new shows.

JMS himself has mentioned another series he's talking to them about.

They've also expressed interest in sharing series like the new Whedon series "Firefly" with Fox. "Crosspurposing" is the hot trend in TV.

I don't want to dissuade people from hoping, but you have to consider everything that's going on. Not all is on the surface.

Did anyone here ever even hear about "Chronicle" before SciFi announced it suddenly last year? Who knew they'd pick up a series that was being developed by another network and dropped.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by bakana:

Unless they do major changes to the concept, they'd need a different location almost every episode, too.
Rebuilding your sets every week is a Lot of work.
That would also mean different guest Actors every episode. Lots of them.
Riverworld would be an "extra people" intensive series most of the time.


Oh, you mean something like the "Outer Limits".

You're right. That could never work.

Seriously, I picked up a whole bunch of UK Scifi magazines recently and I remember an interesting article about the Riverworld series idea. I'll have to look it up later.

It sounded very intriguing and I've never read the books.

This may be where I read about Riverworld being a pilot for a series other than in the SciFi magazines. It's from a November Hollywood Reporter:

Sharper Picture
Nov. 07, 2001

By Steve Brennan

Our appetite is not governed by our passion and desire but by the marketplace. We might want to make 10 movies a year, but if we believe the more appropriate number is six, then I promise you we will make six."

So says international TV production and distribution veteran Peter Sussman, president of Alliance Atlantis Entertainment, as he talks global retraction in the TV business.

Sussman saw his company pick up seven Emmys on Sunday for several high-end miniseries. "I have been asked whether our success at the Emmys means that we are going to increase our miniseries business," he said. "On the contrary, we are going to contract."

Rather than two or three minis a year, Sussman feels Alliance Atlantis might, for the foreseeable future, produce one every 18 months. He believes the miniseries business has "topped off" internationally and domestically and "will start heading down a little bit."

This has to be a disappointing market, then, for the company responsible for such acclaimed miniseries as "Life With Judy Garland: Me and My Shadows; "Nuremberg" and "Joan of Arc."

Not entirely, says Sussman, who points out that his company simply needs to adapt to the recessionary times, the deflated ad market and the continuing slide in demand for U.S. product internationally.

"The key things on our agenda now are contraction, discipline and selectivity," Sussman says.

That will apply not just to miniseries but also to TV movies. Sussman says Alliance Atlantis intends to be much more selective in the future — both in terms of product and partners — for everything it produces: movies, minis and weekly hour series.

Additionally, the company is weighing carefully its potential production partnerships.

On its new "Riverworld" pilot for Sci Fi Channel, the company has teamed with the U.K.'s Box TV and New Zealand's Tasman Prods. The series is being lensed in New Zealand, with some post being done in Canada. On the pilot "Invincible" for TBS, Alliance Atlantis has teamed with Mel Gibson's Icon Prods., Jet Li's Hong Kong-based Qian Yang Prods. and Germany's In Motion AG.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by bakana:
Never attribute to Malice what can be adequately expplained by Stupidity.

Well,I did say "If" this was intentional...

I'm not ruling that out, i.e. that it was intentional.

Vorlon Empire

Crusade (reruns) starting 03/26/2002 at 1PM EST on the Sci-Fi Channel

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> Oh, you mean something like the "Outer Limits".

You're right. That could never work.

Savant, you are deliberately ignoring the main point.
I didn't say it wouldn't Work.

I said it might Cost Too Much to justify making it a series.

His ability to produce a top quality show Under Budget has to be one of the biggest selling points in favor of giving JMS the green light on Rangers.

Unless the people doing Riverworld can come up with a similar budget savings, the show would have poor prospects no matter How good it is.

Choice of Locations might be one way.
Canada is too cold for a lot of the outdoor filming they'd need to do.
New Zealand, OTOH, has some gorgeous rivers, as we have seen in both "Xena" and "Rings".
A production company in NZ _MIGHT_ be able to overcome the Budget problems.

Or, they might NOT.
There is also the question of how well the SciFi execs would like having a production company working in NZ.

Do not ascribe your own motivations to others:
At best, it will break your heart.
At worst, it will get you dead."
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by bakana:
There is also the question of how well the SciFi execs would like having a production company working in NZ.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yeah, they would never let, say .... Farscape, shoot somewhere like, ... oh, I don't know ... Sydney, Australia; now would they?

Sorry. I know it was cheap shot, but I couldn't resist.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by bakana:
Savant, you are deliberately ignoring the main point.
I didn't say it wouldn't Work.

I said it might Cost Too Much to justify making it a series.

His ability to produce a top quality show Under Budget has to be one of the biggest selling points in favor of giving JMS the green light on Rangers.

Unless the people doing Riverworld can come up with a similar budget savings, the show would have poor prospects no matter How good it is.


I'm sorry if it seemed like I was ignoring your point.

What you haven't acknowledged is that it isn't what a series costs that is the real selling point, it's what the production company will charge for it.

For instance, Farscape costs $1.4 Million per episode to make, but they sell it to SciFi for $700K per episode.

I don't know what Alliance Atlantis can come up with for producing a Riverworld series. More important to SciFi is what Alliance Atlantis will be willing to accept as a license fee.

I'm not going to make any assumptions. It's been stated that it is a pilot. Whether it becomes a series requires (1) SciFi liking it, (2) a business deal being worked out that the two parties can agree with.

It's the same with B5LR at the most basic level.

Joseph DeMartino has posted some excellent stuff on the subject of license fees regarding Warner Brothers and B5LR.

If only Warner Brothers would sell a B5 series (new eps., preferably Crusade) to Sci-Fi for $700K/ep. That'd be about a $220K to maybe $300K deficit/ep., assuming the B5 cost that JMS mentioned was the Warner Brothers actual cost, and not a somewhat greater selling price. All other things being equal, Sci-Fi might go for that.

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