I hope he can rediscover himself as a filmmaker again, and not a corporate CEO.
Don't count on it. He's never really been considered a great filmmaker. He's a great idea man and marketer, but not a great director. Of the two friends, Spielberg possessed that talent, not George.
A part of why he's tinkering endlessly with the OT is because he didn't and doesn't want to be "hampered" by what they established in creating the PT. So, he's going back and altering the OT to fit what he's now stating really happened prior to their setting.
This, to me, is assbackwards. It shows his utter lack of imagination. There are wonderfully creative and better ways to remain true to what the OT established and still make the PT. And example of bad, unimaginative writing is the "Do you remember your mother?" question from Luke in RotJ, and Leia's response that she remembers images and how sad she was.
Well, rather than write
to those lines, he's now altering the OT and changing or removing them altogether, since he decided to have Amidala die giving birth.
There are many, many instances of this. To me, it's lazy writing. The challenge should've been in creating a wonderous backstory tapestry while remaining completely true to what the OT stated and making such moments, moments where the audience not only bought the explanation but said, "That was fucking cool that way he explained that!"
To me, that's the fun in filling holes like that, the creative manner in which you reveal backstory and stay true to continuity.
No...GL just goes back and changes the OT so he doesn't actually have to think.
As for Indy 4, I was really looking forward to it until GL went off the deep end, fired Darabont, and threw out the script he'd taken years to write that everyone loved and had signed on for so that he, GL, could ruin...oops, I mean write the script himself. Knowing now that GL is penning the script makes my expectations of Indy 4 little to none. The only hope I still have is that SS is directing, and that he won't let GL put idiotic dialogue in it or let him alter everything so that he has to go back and "change" the OT of Indy.
Ever since SW: PM came out, I keep hearing the voices of the South Park kids in my head: "You killed Star Wars! You bastard!"