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sci-fi and their schedule


to be honest , i think sci fi was right to not give rangers a series ... I found it to be Corny , bad storyline and bad acting .. and i actually fell asleep during the middle of it . I think Quantum Leap without "Al and Sam" is gonna be Bad with a capital B . I don`t like Sci Fi `s new programmes they look like a load of horse manure just lying in the road , smelling .. And not only that but who the hell is gonna convince Scott Bakula to leave Star Trek to do a crappy little series wich might not get past 1st season ??
I am a BIG b5 fan ... But i have to be honest with myself .I dont see in the Immediate future b5 getting a series or even a movie @ the mo ... If you thought that Rangers was a good movie with all the trimmings (snigger) that is you`re own opinion . But i don`t . /forums/images/icons/smile.gif
They had to produce a 2 hour movie with the same amount of money as one episode of b5. If it had more funding, it may have been better.
I thought Rangers had moments of brilliance (some of that dialogue was just SO excellent) and moments of absolute stupidity (I'm sorry, but I still can't see how Dylan did his "As a child, I was always attracted to legends" speech without cracking up...). But that's B5. When it's good, it's really, really good, and when it's bad, it's horrid.

Ultimately, it really would have made a great series.

But we'll never know.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
And not only that but who the hell is gonna convince Scott Bakula to leave Star Trek to do a crappy little series wich might not get past 1st season ??

And what on earth makes you think that they want or need Scott Bakula? Just because he was in the first one? /forums/images/icons/rolleyes.gif

I don't believe Sci-Fi or Scott are seriously thinking this is a possibility. What made you think it was a necessity?
Aw, come on... QL without Scott Bakula, or even without Dean Stockwell? People would turn it off in a second. How would you explain Sam Beckett (if they even use his character) looking like anybody but Scott Bakula?

It's a cheap idea from some unimaginative people who aren't original enough to come up with an interesting & engaging plot dilemma of their own.
Samantha Beckett, 'cause the lead's supposed to be a female.

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
<font color="yellow"> Originally posted by crazy: </font color>
They had to produce a 2 hour movie with the same amount of money as one episode of b5.


Where's you get that? /forums/images/icons/confused.gif I didn't know each ep. of B5 had a $3 Million budget, even in Season 4. Wasn't the S4 budget about $1 Million per ep.?
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Originally posted by crazy:
<font color="yellow">They had to produce a 2 hour movie with the same amount of money as one episode of b5.</font color>

And no CGI! /forums/images/icons/tongue.gif

*opens the can of worms, then runs away*

It had CGI, just not much good CGI.

*throws the worms on Recoil* Oops, one's the worm from Tremors, and another is the subway eating worm from MIIB /forums/images/icons/tongue.gif /forums/images/icons/devil.gif /forums/images/icons/tongue.gif /forums/images/icons/devil.gif /forums/images/icons/devil.gif
Y'know, at first viewing (just to drag this on even further /forums/images/icons/smile.gif I didn't like the CGI much in TLaDiS, but after watching it a few more times I started noticing that, on its own, it actually looked pretty damned good for a TV movie. I think what threw me the first time was that it didn't match the CGI style of previous B5 stuff, so I immediately switched to defensive mode, but honestly, on its own, it actually looks damned impressive.

Well, the whole "stupidly" line kinda threw me too, so my perceptions were kinda colored that first viewing /forums/images/icons/smile.gif

Knowing SciFi (and how much they seem to like shows that have new stories and new sets of actors each week - cheaper, I guess) they could do the new QL without any real star. We the audience got to see Scott Bakula as Sam Beckett - but no one in the time period did. They could just show us the body of the person he/she was appearing in that week and run the story like that. Yeah, that would probably suck big time (no chance for the actors to give a deep or consistent character or any evolution / transition) but it wouldn't surprise me if SciFi tried that! /forums/images/icons/tongue.gif
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
<font color="yellow"> Originally posted by Loadhan: </font color>
They could just show us the body of the person he/she was appearing in that week and run the story like that.


That'd be awfully confusing for the occasional viewer, not to mention REALLY CHEAP (and I mean that in a BAD way, not just just in an inexpensive way) on Sci-Fi's part.
KoshN: </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
That'd be awfully confusing for the occasional viewer, not to mention REALLY CHEAP (and I mean that in a BAD way, not just just in an inexpensive way) on Sci-Fi's part.


And this has never been done before, of course, not at the Sci-Fi channel, nope, no way... /forums/images/icons/rolleyes.gif
The important thing to note is that Quantum Leap has not gotten the go ahead to go to series any more than B5:Rangers did at this stage.

It's a backdoor pilot. They'll come to some conclusions after its made (perhaps like it so much they give it a greenlight then) or some conclusions after it airs and they see the reaction.

The producers of this new pilot have the same opportunity to either succeed or blow it that JMS had. I don't begrudge them that or begrudge Quantum Leap fans for getting an opportunity back.

In my opinion B5LR was a blown opportunity. Maybe it was because of the money. Maybe it was because they rushed into it. But, it wasn't a good pilot, IMO.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
<font color="yellow"> Originally posted by NAME: </font color>
In my opinion B5LR was a blown opportunity. Maybe it was because of the money. Maybe it was because they rushed into it. But, it wasn't a good pilot, IMO.


Agreed, with extra emphasis on blown! /forums/images/icons/frown.gif