In this week's Time magazine (March 17) there is a full page article about the upcoming mini-series Children of Dune. In this article, the Sci Fi channel and our friend Bonnie Hammer are mentioned. Below are those sections:
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Children is the latest in a series of high-profile productions (including last year's 20-hour mini-if-you-can-call-it-that-series Taken) that have helped Sci Fi grow into a broad-based, Top 10 cable channel rather than an obscure haven for 30-year-old virgins who can name every actor who played Dr. Who.
That change is the work of the network president Bonnie Hammer, charged with "broadening" the fan base, which, not to put too fine a point on it, largely means: bring in women. Hammer dismisses the idea that "female sci-fi fan" is a contradiction in terms. "Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein," she notes. But the key to attracting women, and nongeek men, is emphasizing drama over technology, psychological drives over warp dirves, fi over sci. "These viewers want things that have more emotional and ethical components," says Hammer. "'They'll say, 'I'm not a sci-fi freak, but I loved The Sixth Sense.'"
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Children is the latest in a series of high-profile productions (including last year's 20-hour mini-if-you-can-call-it-that-series Taken) that have helped Sci Fi grow into a broad-based, Top 10 cable channel rather than an obscure haven for 30-year-old virgins who can name every actor who played Dr. Who.
That change is the work of the network president Bonnie Hammer, charged with "broadening" the fan base, which, not to put too fine a point on it, largely means: bring in women. Hammer dismisses the idea that "female sci-fi fan" is a contradiction in terms. "Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein," she notes. But the key to attracting women, and nongeek men, is emphasizing drama over technology, psychological drives over warp dirves, fi over sci. "These viewers want things that have more emotional and ethical components," says Hammer. "'They'll say, 'I'm not a sci-fi freak, but I loved The Sixth Sense.'"