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SciFi.com's Stupidity

SciFi.com\'s Stupidity

SciFi seem to have forgotten something rather important, a small tiny little thing, the US also has a WEST Coast. I was watching Witchblade on TNT and didn't get to see the address for the site till about 10:55 pm PST when it came on the second time. I couldn't get to a computer till about 11:15 pm (roughly 20 minutes later) and I got the ugly "File Not Found" message. Scifi pulled the plug on the site before a "few hours" had passed on the west coast. Luckly, there was the link here


All Hail Mythic Knight, Defender of Worlds

[This message has been edited by mythicknight (edited June 13, 2001).]
Re: SciFi.com\'s Stupidity

yeah, no kidding. I actually did see it the first go araound, but I didn't have a membership to the site. Though I hate pointlessly giving companies ifo, I coughed it up. but they have a confirmation process that requires you to click on a link from the email it sends you. That's all well and good, provided it doesn't take their server 3 hours to process the email. By the time it fianlly generated the confimation, the file was long gone, but scifi.com still gets the info. >:|

oh well. evil marketing/membership dept. Thanks to the folks who posted the files!

Re: SciFi.com\'s Stupidity

People love gipping the West Coast when it comes to TV contests and Special Engagements and the like. I liked Scifi much better when they had only one feed.

Ivanova is always right. I will listen to Ivanova. I will not ignore Ivanova's recommendations. Ivanova is God. And if this ever happens again, Ivanova will personally rip your lungs out.
Re: SciFi.com\'s Stupidity

I'm on the West coast, but I have the East coast feed. It didn't matter, though, because I can't download with Webtv. Arrrggghhh!


Re: SciFi.com\'s Stupidity

I'm in the east. I saw the commercial 10 hours ago, and I can log on to the site.

Click here for 200k

"Gideon says we all have things to hide."
"Does he? How unfortunate, I was hoping he'd come further than that. Well not that it isn't true of course, it's just that one simply doesn't have to say it."

"I was just trying to work out whether a comment from me right now would be most wanted or least needed."
Re: SciFi.com\'s Stupidity

Ivanova, I agree completely. The West coast tends to get up early anyway. I liked the Sci Fi channel more when the programs were earlier in the day. (I can't recall if we got the shows at the same time as the East coast or the Central time zone.) I get up at 5:30 am or 6, and can't stand the best programming coming on at 9pm! Oh, well, my VCR is getting a great workout because of it.

"Why not? Only 1 Human captain has ever survived battle with the Minbari fleet. He is behind me, you are in front of me. If you value your lives, be somewhere else."

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