It always struck me that JCB seemed to be wearing almost as much facial makeup as Guinevere Corey in There All the Honor Lies as she did as Na'Toth in S1
I don't think it was an issue of makeup
per se as of the Narn prosthetics and the adhesives used to hold them in place. Even with the best fit and application the pieces can tend to move and shift in odd ways during the course of the day, especially as the adhesive breaks down and loosens, and this can lead the appliance to rub against the skin. Leonard Nimoy had such bad problems with the skin on the top of his ears being rubbed raw by the later part of each season of
Star Trek that he famously almost fell for a put-on where one of the Genes (I think Coon, but it might have been Roddenberry) "offered" to have a plastic surgeon point his ears permanently and then reverse the procedure when the series went off the air. Ironically one of the reasons for this problem is the need to make the glues themselves safer to wear. Using Crazy Glue would eliminate the shifting problem entirely, but you can't use that on human skin for obvious reasons. Finding adhesives that will hold well enough and long enough without hurting the skin or causing reactions and which can be easily removed at the end of the shooting day is
not an easy trick.
Time to start pushing for better stage/tv make up. There is always an alternative chemical. This includes colour, rubber/plastic for the prosthetics and glue.
Oh, good idea. I wonder why nobody in the stage or film business has ever thought of improving makeup before this. Good thing they have the fans to point these needed improvements out to them.

(In point of fact the studios and the make-up companies have spent millions of dollars in R&D looking for better and safer ways of doing makeup, a process that probably started with Lon Chaney, Sr. They've done this in part because they've been prodded by invididual actors and the actors unions, in part because make up people are not sadistic torturers and they try to make the process easier for the actors when they can and in part because it
costs them money when they have to replace an actor or one gets sick because of a make-up reaction. Rational self-interest impels them to do the right thing.)
Bad makeup reactions are pretty unusual and mostly due to idiosyncratic allergies or other problems that particular actors have and which are hard to predict since they don't effect the majority. (Sometimes they are due to inexperience with a new material or application method. Contrary to popular myth Buddy Ebsen's problem with the Tin Man makeup, which caused him to drop out of
The Wizard of Oz, was
not a skin reaction. He accidentally inhaled the aluminum powder that went into the makeup and had a respiratory reaction. The formulation and application process were changed so that make-up was premixed before being brought to the set and no one applying or wearing it was exposed to the aluminum dust again.)
Mary Woronov did not so much have a bad physical reaction to the Narn makeup as she had a bad psychological one. IIRC it was more a matter of claustrophobia than of physical discomfort. She basically freaked out after the wearing the stuff for too long.
And no, Andrew, there is
no alternative to "chemical" since everything in the universe is, in fact,
made of chemicals.

Also "natural" doesn't mean "safe". (Snake venom is natural, so is anthrax. Sugar free iced tea is "artificial" and "chemical". Which would you rather drink a glass of?
