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Season 2 - R1 vs R2


Various comments have been posted about the season 2 DVDs. From what I've read on these forums, the two main poblems seem to be:
1. Some "distortion" on Coming of Shadows
2. Bad cropping (missing heads etc.) in some episodes.

Could nayone please tell me if these problems on both R1 and R2 or are they only on R2 as the posts seem to suggest?

I would normally get the R2, but if these problems do not exist on R1 then I may pay a little more and get the R1 version.

What are your thoughts and comments?
The bad cropping is in the R1 version.
I don't recall seeing any distortion in CoS, so it can't have been that noticable.
From what I understand, the R2 version of season 2 has the proper opening credits in the first two episodes (where Delenn is bald) but the R1 version, last I heard, has the same opening credits throughout (where Delenn has hair).
Does the R2 version have the strange font that the R1 version has? Different to S1, and different to the closing credits?
Does the R2 version have the strange font that the R1 version has? Different to S1, and different to the closing credits?


Also, if you live in the UK it helps to know some French :p
Looks like there is not much between the two, other than the distortion on CoS - how bad is this distortion?

Also, I've heard people mention a hidden bloopers reel - is this on both regions too?

I think I'll probably go for R2 since it is a little bit cheaper ;) I still have to wait until I have some cash though :(
Looks like there is not much between the two, other than the distortion on CoS - how bad is this distortion?

Also, I've heard people mention a hidden bloopers reel - is this on both regions too?

I think I'll probably go for R2 since it is a little bit cheaper ;) I still have to wait until I have some cash though :(

Yes, the gag reel is also on R2 edition. I watched it yesterday my self. It's quite amusing actually.
Of course, the gag real is the blooper real carefully cut so they only show Jerry, Bruce, and Claudia, and a few more who were in the interviews.

and the uncensored bloopers are totally NC17, maybe thats real reason why they didn´t want to put them in at first lol.
I haven't received my S2 R1 set yet, probably stolen again by those tossers in the Post Office. How bad is this distortion in Coming of Shadows and bad cropping exactly.
I haven't received my S2 R1 set yet, probably stolen again by those tossers in the Post Office. How bad is this distortion in Coming of Shadows and bad cropping exactly.

I noticed no distortion in CoS, so it can't be that bad.
The cropping is annoying in places, but it's not common enough to be completely outrageous.
I haven't read anyone commenting on the cover of the booklet. The booklet inside my R2 set has the Minbari cruiser upside down! (yesyes, I know there is no up or down in space, but this is scifi, where for some reason ships always encounter eachtother right side up).

I'm currious does the R1 version have this mishap too?

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