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Season 3 DVD on August 12th?

There ARE more B5 DVDs (and hopefully also Crusade DVDs) to come out.

And presumably anybody who dropped $75.00 to buy this set is already aware of that fact, is looking forward to those, and will buy them. You're jumping all over JMS because he isn't preaching to the choir.

No, because it doesn't show team spirit, and diminishes the importance of the commentaries he's doing that moment. And I'm hardly "jumping all over him." I'm just saying. None of this is in all caps or uses expletive emoticons.

Besides, I really don't see how wearing a baseball cap with a tiny and hard to see B5 logo communicates anything about future DVD releases of either B5 or Crusade. :)

It would just have been nice to see him wearing a B5 hat on B5 commentaries, to be flying the B5 colors in a B5 commentary. I don't think that would be out of place, do you? If he was doing Jeremiah commentaries, I'd be expecting him to be wearing the Jeremiah stuff, or if he was doing Crusade commentaries, I'd be expecting him to be wearing the Crusade stuff.

By wearing a Jeremiah hat on B5 commentaries, it's like he's saying I'm doing commentaries for this old stuff, but look at my hat to see what I'm doing now (the stuff that's "really important"). It's just a little tacky.

Regarding the baseball cap having a tiny and hard to see logo, the B5 logo is a lot easier to see and read than the Jeremial logo (which is kind of crowded together). The Crusade logo is instantly recognizable.

ps. My "grumble, grumble" stuff far above, was intended mostly as humor. ;)
Not the point. What's the saying? Dance with the one who brought you. These were B5 commentaries, not Jeremiah commentaries. I wouldn't have had a problem with a Crusade or Rangers hat. At least they're in the B5 universe.

Free advertising! Crafty. ;) :rolleyes:

Practically speaking, you're absolutely right.

Appearance: Looks a bit cheap, kind of lower class, and puts B5 below Jeremiah in stature.
I think this whole hat thing is CLASSIC over analysing the situation. He was probably just wearing whatever he was wearing and gave no thought to it.
Personally, I think he should have imitated Corwin while doing the commentaries. That in and of itself will guarantee future B5 sets sell well.
Don't you think the better Jeremiah does, the better chance we have of getting more B5. Success breeds Success.

No kidding. You know the stereotype about how nerds debate endlessly about pointless minutea about Sci-Fi related useless things? This is why.
Don't you think the better Jeremiah does, the better chance we have of getting more B5. Success breeds Success.

I don't think success of Jeremiah translates to increased liklihood of a future B5 project. It may translate to increased liklihood of a Jeremiah spinoff, but nothing in the B5 universe. If anything, it means further divergence away from the B5 universe, leaving it all behind.

With respect to future B5 universe shows, I think Jeremiah is a no-win scenerio. It's as if the universe is not going to let JMS come back to the B5/Crusade. It always feels like trying to get a new B5 show started or Crusade re-started is like fighting city hall, like it's a fight we're not allowed to win, like the game's rigged.
All this talk over a hat. :D It's most amusing.

Personally, I think this is way too much thought. Secondly, a B5 cap may look overkill. Should he have a t-shirt, and action figure in his hand too? Finally, and most importantly to me, I think it's nice. It benchmarks the time. In years to come, you can see when he did those interviews. It gives them a sort of time mark.

And Jeremiah is his work now. He's taking time out to talk about his original, his main baby, but it isn't his job now.
Maybe he could have had that "J.S." Teddy Bear sitting on his knee as he was being interviewed...
I knew the cover would be green. Personally I was hoping for black, considering the content of the season, but come to think of it that would be fairly tough... and the green cover looks good. Not bad.
I'm sure its listed as an import and $20 more because its an American version, and would be shipped from their American warehouse. Wait for the version from the Canadian warehouse (non-import on amazon.ca) to show up.

PS - if you go to amazon.com and search under DVD for "Babylon 5", S1 costs $74.99, S2 costs $74.99 and the combo pack of both S1 and S2 costs $179.73. WTF?

Why would you pay $30.00 for buying both together when its cheaper to buy them single?! Someone at Amazon has to work on that pricing algorythm.

I knew the cover would be green. Personally I was hoping for black, considering the content of the season, but come to think of it that would be fairly tough... and the green cover looks good. Not bad.

I would kind of like to see a black-silver motif, but I have to agree that the green cover is a good one. Londo's my favorite character, so I'm happy to see him make a return to the cover. (Personally I think that Sheridan, G'Kar and Londo should have been on the 2nd Season cover, what with the Narn-Centauri war and all, with the B5 crew making its appearance on the S1 cover)

That said, when I first read your suggestion for a DVD cover I couldn't help but imagine a Spinal Tap -esque seen with G'Kar, Londo, Delenn, and Kosh all looking at an entirely black box that they were just told would be the cover for season 3.

"It is...black" -Delenn
"Oh I get it, not only do the Gods hate me, but the colors do too..." -Londo
"I supposed it *could* grow on me..." -G'Kar
"Colors, in the dark" -Kosh