Ingram Entertainment is the country's largest distributor of DVDs, videos and games.
OK, now it's coming back to me. Ingram is also a large distributor of books, and I dealt with them when working for a bookstore. While most new titles would be ordered in quantity direct from the publisher, special orders and emergency stock-replenishments on hot titles almost always went through Ingram, because they would generally be processed faster and because Ingram often had titles sitting in their warehouses that publishers were out of stock on. Because we were a small independent, not a unit in a large chain, we sometimes found it cheaper to buy even new titles from some publishers through Ingram. Because they bought in such volume and got such great discounts that they could sometimes sell us books for less than the publisher would charge us with our standard discount. (Another reason we bought special orders from them, since the majors would not give us our regular discount on orders of one or two books, which meant we didn't make a profit on special orders bought that way. Dealing with Ingram allowed us to order a dozen books from as many publishers on a single order, which also saved time and money.)
I suspect they fill something of the same role in the CD and DVD area, a prime source for smaller retailers, and a secondary one for the big chains. (I've got to believe that Best Buy and Target order their DVDs directly from the studios.)
But since everybody deals with Ingram, all it takes is a typo in an Ingram release schedule for any number of websites to post the same erroneous date and "confirm" one another because they all have the same info.
I'm still waiting to see something from Warner Bros., or from one of the real majors like Amazon.
Surely, this can't be right? Can it?
No, it can't be.

Regardless of whether the target date is November or January it is likely that the discs haven't even been replicated yet, and a dead certainty that they haven't been delivered to retailers. They aren't "in stock" anywhere, believe me.