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Season 5 To Be Alias's Last

Re: Season 5 To Be Alias\'s Last

Never really got into it. I hope Ms Garner has a good career ahead of her though, such talents are not to be wasted...
Re: Season 5 To Be Alias\'s Last

Got into it with season 2, but when season 3 came to a close with Lauren evil and the Rambaldi arc really still no further to its conclusion, I gave up.
Re: Season 5 To Be Alias\'s Last

Yeah, the fans have been expecting this to be the last season. Since they offed Michael Vaughn, their ratings have been utterly decimated (and moving time slots to compete with Survivor.)

I, personally, stopped watching this year after they fired Michael Vartan. I thought it a rather poor thing to do to an actor. Rumor has it, though, that nobody ever "really" stays dead in the Alias universe and that he'll be back (either in flashbacks/dreams, or as himself.) Who knows. I'll tune in if I learn he has come back.
Re: Season 5 To Be Alias\'s Last

I heard they killed Vaugh. Considering that a giant part of their fanbase were women who tuned in to watch Vartan, I'm rather amazed they had the guts. I'm less amazed that they could be so stupid, however. JJ Abrams may be good, but he's no Whedon.
Re: Season 5 To Be Alias\'s Last

Well, I haven't seen as much Lost as I'd like, so I may indeed revise my opinion once I catch up with it (although JJ's got his work cut out for him if he wants to top both Buffy and Firefly in my mind).
Re: Season 5 To Be Alias\'s Last

Actually, on the strength of Lost, I think he's better, but thats just me.

I'm reserving judgement on that line of thought. The first 2 seasons of Alias were GREAT. I loved everything about how the show was done, including the mysterious Rambaldi arc. Any of you who have watched Alias through Season 4 saw how miserably that arc fell apart, and the half-assed attempt to bring some closure to it. It really reminded me of the X-Files.

If he starts falling apart after Season 2 of Lost and does just as bad a job at keeping a consistent story/plotline, then I will be pissed.

So thats why I'm waiting till at least Season 3 before I start totally signing his praises on Lost...because he started strong before and came up limp...
Re: Season 5 To Be Alias\'s Last

So thats why I'm waiting till at least Season 3 before I start totally signing his praises on Lost...because he started strong before and came up limp...

Ditto. I can barely make myself watch this season because it is so bad. I only watch because my husband is still interested. Geez, I thought last season was bad but then they had to give that major cliffhanger and make me tune in again. :rolleyes:

What I can't get over is how much they are repeating themselves from season one so they can get back to when it was good. Don't repeat -- come up with a kick ass storline!
Re: Season 5 To Be Alias\'s Last

>>>I'm reserving judgement on that line of thought. The first 2 seasons of Alias were GREAT.>>>>

I think that sums up my feelings overall, and add in a little dead MV to make me a non-fan. I've never turned on a show like I have Alias. I'm just pissed.... utterly pissed.
Re: Season 5 To Be Alias\'s Last

Wow, I've never watched even 10 minutes of Alias, but, I was under the impression that Season 4 had returned the series to it's glory days after the debacle that was season 3?

Well, after all the Series I've watched that had arcs that never finished, and after the way X-Files went astray, it sounds like a darned good thing I never gave Alias a chance.
Re: Season 5 To Be Alias\'s Last

Season 4 was better than season 3, but that's not really saying much. The best part of Season 4 was the introduction of Nadia and the return of spymom.
Re: Season 5 To Be Alias\'s Last

Oh, good, Spy Mommy came back? That's always fun.

But I still have to say that the best ep I ever saw was early season 3, when Jack broke Sydney out of NSA custody. At which point I declared that Jack was the CIA's equivalent of the Death Star. He's just that formidable.
Re: Season 5 To Be Alias\'s Last

Jack is bad-ass. Not only can he give the evil eye in such a way that it could stop your heart... he literally DID stop someone's heart (in season 3, I think) when he was torturing someone for information that was imparative to his daughter's life. He strangled the guy, then whispered in his ear:

"Oh, and just so you know... there is no white light... not for people like you..." just before the guy died. He then fired up the paddles and brought him back. The guy was, obviously, then willing to talk.
