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Season Two Episode Titles (and Speculation)

Re: Season Two Episode Titles

"Why the new characters?"
Probably cuz of the split in focus between the two powers: Valhalla Sector and Thunder Mountain. Powers need to be peopled.

Methinks that Devon and Markus' dad are quite different. Dr. Alexander was an idealist through and through. Devon ... idealists, as a general rule, don't do bioweapons research. But you're right, I doubt that Devon is head of research -- he's with-holding information and VS knows it. If I were the VS top dog with Jeremiah in my brig, I'd be twirling my moustache.

All we know is that he knows the vaccine, knows the disease, and was trying to get to something up at his office, toting his wife and a gun...

...and dissappeared.
Well said /forums/images/graemlins/cool.gif Very dramatic.
Re: Season Two Episode Titles

And what about Ezekiel?

Because of what Ezekiel did in TLU (edited for spoilers), we can be pretty sure that what cover Devon *did* have, if indeed he had one, has been blown sky-high.

Devon is not going to be a happy camper come March.
Re: Season Two Episode Titles

Not necessarily. Judging by the limp and the spacier-than-usual mindset, Ezekiel had been AWOL from VS since "Tripwire". That, and the obvious fact that he's not exactly the poster-boy for mental health, gives Devon a certain degree of plausible deniability. All he has to do is claim to have no control over him, especially since Ezekiel went rogue.
Re: Season Two Episode Titles

Does that casting call sheet your source got a look at yield any clues?

I am exchanging emails with them but I really don't expect to get much information. After all, they are casting for characters we haven't seen yet.

Anyway, we shall see what my source says and in the meantime I have added some new information to my site:

Season two episode information:

Added season two episodes to the main guide page:

Added Grant Rosenberg and Sara "Samm" Barnes to the writers page:
Re: Season Two Episode Titles

Whoa - this is Samm Barnes' first writing job?

Holy mackerel.

If this is her first time writing for TV - at all - imagine where she'll be in five years...
Re: Season Two Episode Titles

Well, at least the first one she has been credited for in TV that I could find. I think JMS said something to that affect as well at V-Con when he introduced her too ... this was her first writing gig.
Re: Season Two Episode Titles

Damn, she's good.

From catering to writing/producing in one fell swoop. Gosh dandy.
Re: Season Two Episode Titles

Got another episode title today:

<font color="orange">#207 - Voices in the Dark</font color>
Re: Season Two Episode Titles

Here the updated list with the newest titles marked with three stars (***):

<font color="orange">Prod# - Ep # - Title - Author

#2xx, 2xx - #1, 2 - Letters from the Other Side (Parts 1 & 2) - JMS
#202 - #3 - Strange Attractors - JMS
#2xx - #4 - Deus Ex Machina - JMS
#2xx - #5 - Rights of Passage - Barnes
#2xx - #6 - The Mysterious Mister Smith - JMS
#207 - #7 - Voices in the Dark - JMS?
#205 - #? - The Road Not Taken - JMS?
#206 - #? - Trading Partners - JMS?
#208 - #? - Crossing Jordan - JMS ***
#2xx - #? - Running on Empty - JMS ***</font color>

JMS also had this to say about Jeremiah a few days ago:

<font color="orange">On Jeremiah, we're about to start on episode 7, "Voices in the Dark," and I just finished writing 8 and 9, "Crossing Jordan" and "Running on Empty." By the time we hit mid-week, we'll be halfway through shooting on the season, which should wrap around the first week of April, though post will take us through mid-May.</font color>
Re: Season Two Episode Titles

Thanks, Lyta.

Does anyone remember the biblical significance of "crossing Jordan"? I tried a Google search, but I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with Jill Hennessey.
Re: Season Two Episode Titles

It's been a while since I updated the episode list but I figured now would be a good time because I think I have all 15 titles now.

<font color="orange">Prod# - Ep # - Title - Author

2xx, 2xx - #1, 2 - Letters from the Other Side (Parts 1 & 2) - JMS
202 - #3 - Strange Attractors - JMS
2xx - #4 - Deus Ex Machina - JMS
2xx - #5 - Rights of Passage - Barnes
2xx - #6 - The Mysterious Mister Smith - JMS
207 - #7 - Voices in the Dark - JMS?
205 - #? - The Road Not Taken - JMS?
206 - #? - Trading Partners - JMS?
208 - #? - Crossing Jordan - JMS
209 - #? - Running on Empty - JMS
210 - #? - The Question - JMS
211 - #? - Past - JMS
213 - #? - Interregnum One - JMS
214 - #? - State of the Union - JMS</font color>

I assume one of these has been writen by Grant Rosenberg but that is based on a comment I remember hearing. I could of course also be wrong.

Also, I thought the production numbers would end at 215 but I am guessing the premiere was numbered 200 and 201.
What Tom said and as for the reason ... I don't think anyone has really said anything specifically about it. One can read between the lines however in what JMS has said about it.

(I think it was the quality of writing.)

Sep.21.2002 in RASTB5M
<font color="orange">Sam Egan has left and we're bringing on Grant Rosenberg to help out in his place, mainly by working on set so I can focus more on the writing instead of having to plow through snow to stand around with the director. </font color>

Apr.1.2003 at Sci Fi Magazine
<font color="orange">Last season I did about half and Sam Egan did about half, and a couple were freelanced by Sam Barnes. But this season, Showtime felt that, because of the intensity of the two-parter and other parts of the story last year, they kind of wanted a focus brought to it, so they said, "Can you do all or nearly all?" And I said, "No, I'll do what I can." Probably about 13 out of 15. </font color>
I can't find it in this thread, but I've read somewhere that jms has some up with [spoiler] a really mean way to bring down VS [/spoiler]
From the little that I know about Jeremiah,that's a pretty huge spoiler to throw out there. A bit like telling people that Smiler's gonna be president after they've seen Z'ha'dum.
You probably read it in the newsletter or my site since it is posted on the season two episode list page:


It was a quote from April's Sci Fi Magazine article which I will repost here:


<font color="orange">The first two episodes, a two-parter, deal with Jeremiah, who has been caught by the [military from Valhalla Sector] and reunited with his dad, whom he was looking for all of last season. And our other characters who have been caught with him, they're all kind of stuck in the box. The question, of course, is how are they going to get out of that box when there's almost no support out there for them tactically? They only people running around loose are Lee Chen, who has questionable loyalties, and Kurdy, who is kind of on the zone. And where we eventually end up is in a massive conflict between Thunder Mountain, and the forces there, and Valhalla Sector.

There's actually a way that I found to bring down Valhalla Sector that's probably the creepiest, unsettling, meanest thing I've ever done in writing. I won't tell you what it is yet because you have to have the shock value there. [It will be] chilling. </font color>

I don't think JMS would let out a huge spoiler in an interview like this. He is usually pretty careful about those kind of things. In fact, the interviewer even said that he was careful to reveal any S2 information.

Anyway, I do agree that it is a spoiler but it isn't not a huge one. A better analogy would be to say to someone who just started watching B5, "The forces of light win the Shadow War." Yup, that is a spoiler, but you don't know any details and there are still some pretty major whammies that are not apparent in that statement.

Besides, this show is about -hope- and VS is just about the opposite of that. Did you really think they were going to triumph?

We still don't know how it is going down or what the consequences will be either. It could even be a temporary set back for all we know. I see it as more of JMS fucking with our heads than a huge spoiler.

The other thing I found interesting in the article is that JMS also said that he has had the puzzle pieces in place since the first episode!
Ah, well that would be a spoiler then but why are you reading stuff about season two already?
I've read most of the Jeremiah spoilers ever since the board opened last year, mainly because I never imagined that we'd ever get Jeremiah in SA. But yeah, I guess I should stop reading the S2 threads.

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