Just came back from seeing it, as the local English cinema is showing it after all, unlike their initial plans
I quite loved it, though I have to agree, the pacing seemed a bit strange at times .. that was OK for me though, as I didn't enter the cinema to see a random good movie but to see the story continued. That it did excellently.
Wash dying was damned freaky, yes. I had unfortunately heard a spoiler there, that didn't stop it from completely freaking me out though. I knew he would die somehow sometime .. but like that .. *shudders*
Distressing, yes, but good storytelling MUST be distressing from time to time, otherwise it's just not plausible.
The audience quite audibly loved the movie just as much as I did, could notice it all through the movie, and when the credits rolled, there was actually a standing ovation. Something that usually *never* happens in Austrian cinemas. Though .. opening night, sold out very early .. can assume that my crowd (went with 4 other people) wasn't the only group of fans there.
I loved that they didn't kill the operator. Also quite demonstrated how the Firefly world just isn't as clear-cut with good guys and bad guys as most random moviegoers would prefer (particularily Mal kicking the guy off the thingy in the beginning)
One thing I found really nice was the credits .. that I actually remained to watch .. how they after 2 minutes of normal credits switched to a very gentle instrumential version of the series tune .. I actually caught and stopped myself starting to sing along

.. damn cinema cut the credits though, bastards
Though as much as I loved the movie, I SO would have prefered .. like .. a TV series

.. I have some hope that now that the movie prospect seems out of question, Fox MIGHT reconsider its block of the franchise reaching TV .. though I really don't know the legal specs there.
Definitely going back to see this one though as soon as I can

.. which is next thursday I assume, stupid exams

.. probably won't be in the cinemas for an eternity though, in English at least .. the biggest non-dubbing cinema in Vienna having 6 screens only. Though the storm to it today is definitely a positive sign, if we had not reserved, we would never have gotten tickets.