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Serenity - SPOILERS! Consider yourself warned!

Did River implant the idea in Jayne's mind to give her a nice shuttle ride?

I guess it's possible, but I think the more simple viewing of that scene is that River just took advantage of the situation. We know River has a budding or yet-uncontrolable ability to read people, but I'm not sure there's been anything that suggests she can implant ideas and thoughts into others.
Well, consider. River wakes up, locked in a storeroom, with memories of Miranda burning in her mind. At this point, her goal is to get out and access Serenity's computer.

Then there's Jayne. He's made no secret that he wants River off the ship. And he's been drinking, so his judgment is blurred. It would only take the tiniest telepathic push to get him to do what River wants him to do. The movie doesn't make it explicit, but if River wasn't responsible for Jayne's behaviour, it was an extraordinary coincidence.
Well, now you are all Firfly fans, you'll want a Jayne hat won't you?

It's up on Ebay Click here. As usual, all profits are for my church's organ fun, which stands at £2800 and counting.
I don't think River can alter the thoughts of those around her -- she just knows what everyone's thinking. That's what Joss has said. Coincidence? I suspect River would have taken down the first person to walk through the door, and someone would have come in eventually. They would feed her, after all. Jayne was just the first.
I had a chat with my sister about Serenity. She's never seen Firefly, and when she said she wasn't interested in seeing the movie, I told her what I had seen. I'm glad I told it to her in chronological order (filling in the backstories as necessary) because when I got to the point where Mal punches Simon, she said, "This sounds interesting. Maybe I will go see it." I then said I had spoiled the movie enough, and she needed to see the rest for herself.
Finally saw Serenity on the weekend, and I gotta say I was very impressed. Wash's death blew me away, and it did feel that some of the others were also going to die at the end.

The only thing that distrubed me a bit was the emphasis on the Reavers. I could deal with them on the series because they weren't really front and centre, but here their sadism and the pain they inflicted (even if it wasn't shown head on) sickened and disturbed me to such an extent that I really couldn't enjoy the movie 100% - like in the vid of the captain of the rescue ship getting raped and sliced open by the Reaver, not to mention the implied sadistic slaughter of the innocent in all those ships as Serenity is flying through the blockade heading to Miranda.

Apart from that, very good, especially Joss Weadon's dialogue - though being an Aussie, I found some of the southern drawl a touch difficult to follow.
Just came back from seeing it, as the local English cinema is showing it after all, unlike their initial plans :D

I quite loved it, though I have to agree, the pacing seemed a bit strange at times .. that was OK for me though, as I didn't enter the cinema to see a random good movie but to see the story continued. That it did excellently.

Wash dying was damned freaky, yes. I had unfortunately heard a spoiler there, that didn't stop it from completely freaking me out though. I knew he would die somehow sometime .. but like that .. *shudders*

Distressing, yes, but good storytelling MUST be distressing from time to time, otherwise it's just not plausible.

The audience quite audibly loved the movie just as much as I did, could notice it all through the movie, and when the credits rolled, there was actually a standing ovation. Something that usually *never* happens in Austrian cinemas. Though .. opening night, sold out very early .. can assume that my crowd (went with 4 other people) wasn't the only group of fans there.

I loved that they didn't kill the operator. Also quite demonstrated how the Firefly world just isn't as clear-cut with good guys and bad guys as most random moviegoers would prefer (particularily Mal kicking the guy off the thingy in the beginning)

One thing I found really nice was the credits .. that I actually remained to watch .. how they after 2 minutes of normal credits switched to a very gentle instrumential version of the series tune .. I actually caught and stopped myself starting to sing along :eek: .. damn cinema cut the credits though, bastards :D

Though as much as I loved the movie, I SO would have prefered .. like .. a TV series :rolleyes: .. I have some hope that now that the movie prospect seems out of question, Fox MIGHT reconsider its block of the franchise reaching TV .. though I really don't know the legal specs there.

Definitely going back to see this one though as soon as I can :D .. which is next thursday I assume, stupid exams :rolleyes: .. probably won't be in the cinemas for an eternity though, in English at least .. the biggest non-dubbing cinema in Vienna having 6 screens only. Though the storm to it today is definitely a positive sign, if we had not reserved, we would never have gotten tickets.

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