Re: What about Direct to DVD?
You don't have to prove malice to prove negligence.
Profitable year after profitable year. This is a favor? That's what a business does. JMS gave them a show that practically ran itself and was constantly under budget. What more could they ask for? However, I do agree that scifi/fantasy geeks are extremely anal.
Wasn't that because WBHV leaked reports of a pending DVD release, thus sabotaging their own VHS sales, and causing them to scuttle both the VHS AND DVD formats for several years to come?
That's funny, I thought they released a bare-bones edition of The Gathering/In the Beginning and only went ahead when they were completely flabbergasted by that DVD's success.
Based on success of Seasons 1 through 3 to date, I'd wager.
"Spineless toadies" may be going too far, but it has its basis in frustration. WB allowed The Gathering to be half eaten by rats, lost the collective CGI files of Netter Digital, killed the Sierra B5 game at near completion, but worst of all, they continually exhibit very little faith in the show despite it's popularity growth and devoted fan base.
It's not being spoiled to want things done right (although I haven't really bitched about all those packaging errors, I've simply noted them). Those little "persnkickety" problems just seem all the more mind-boggling when you think of the money going into this stuff. I don't expect the person doing the layout to necessarily know which end of a Sharlin Cruiser is up, but I'd hope someone more informed would look it over before they begin printing a couple o'hundred thousand books and jackets. Oh well.
WB is not a person and does not feel. Nor does it bother to know our feelings or benefit from the collective knowledge available to it. This is not WB's fault - almost all companies run this way. They are populated with spineless toadies as well.
But just as there is no malice involved when they go against our wishes, there is no benevolence at work when they give us what we want. WB will go where the money leads it. As long as we give them a profit, they will find something to sell us. And I have acknowledged WB in the best way possible, by buying all three sets of DVDs.
Nobody ever talks about any of this, but everybody makes smart ass comments about every persnickety little problem from the hubs to using the word "season" on the DVD sets to losing the CGI files (admittedly a monumental screw-up, but people talk about it like it was an act of malice directed at them personally.)
You don't have to prove malice to prove negligence.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, SF fans are the whiniest, most annoying bunch of people in the world if the least little thing goes wrong or they don't get exactly what they want. Warner Bros. sunk something like $125 million bucks into B5, all told. They kept the show on the air, year after year.
Profitable year after profitable year. This is a favor? That's what a business does. JMS gave them a show that practically ran itself and was constantly under budget. What more could they ask for? However, I do agree that scifi/fantasy geeks are extremely anal.
They tried two home video releases in the U.S. because the fans begged for them (and then had to cancel them when those same fans stopped buying them)
Wasn't that because WBHV leaked reports of a pending DVD release, thus sabotaging their own VHS sales, and causing them to scuttle both the VHS AND DVD formats for several years to come?
Despite the failure of their first two attempts, they released the show again on DVD and did it just the way most of the fans they'd heard from had asked for it - widescreen, with extras, Dolby Digital sound remixes...
That's funny, I thought they released a bare-bones edition of The Gathering/In the Beginning and only went ahead when they were completely flabbergasted by that DVD's success.
And for all this they get called "spineless toadies" and treated like they are somehow the enemy. This when they're actually paying JMS to write another new B5 universe project!
Based on success of Seasons 1 through 3 to date, I'd wager.
"Spineless toadies" may be going too far, but it has its basis in frustration. WB allowed The Gathering to be half eaten by rats, lost the collective CGI files of Netter Digital, killed the Sierra B5 game at near completion, but worst of all, they continually exhibit very little faith in the show despite it's popularity growth and devoted fan base.
You know Joe, I FULLY agree with you. It seems like spoiled child.
It's not being spoiled to want things done right (although I haven't really bitched about all those packaging errors, I've simply noted them). Those little "persnkickety" problems just seem all the more mind-boggling when you think of the money going into this stuff. I don't expect the person doing the layout to necessarily know which end of a Sharlin Cruiser is up, but I'd hope someone more informed would look it over before they begin printing a couple o'hundred thousand books and jackets. Oh well.
If I were WB I would be really pissed of with all this complaining. It is so easy to complain and so hard to acknowledge..... As I said in another message, with all this "crying babies" situation, we will never be a serious source of opinion for the WB studios.
WB is not a person and does not feel. Nor does it bother to know our feelings or benefit from the collective knowledge available to it. This is not WB's fault - almost all companies run this way. They are populated with spineless toadies as well.