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Should I watch Revenge of the Sith? - NO SPOILERS!

Re: Should I watch Revenge of the Sith? - NO SPOIL

Just a tangential story for humorous purposes that is probably more of a you-had-to-be-there thing, but anyway... the first time I saw RotS last Thursday, there was this family or several different parents and their respective children or whatever sitting behind me. There was one kid in particular who was probably about 4 or 5 years old. When the lights went down and the movie started, when it got all quiet when "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..." popped up on the screen, this little kid in a really loud voice hollered out, "Star Wars!" I don't know what it was about the kid saying it, but it made the lot of people in the crowded theater bust out laughing.
Re: Should I watch Revenge of the Sith? - NO SPOIL

I very rarely go to theaters anymore, but this is one flick that really demands a big screen. I'd love to see it at the I-MAX!!!!
Re: Should I watch Revenge of the Sith? - NO SPOIL

They would play this at an IMAX? That would indeed rock!

My son is only 8.5 months old and way too young to be taken to the movies. Even when he is old enough to maybe enjoy it, I would only take him to a kids flick where it wouldn't matter so much anyway. Heck, I still might not do it just because I don't want to be bothered by other people's uncontrollable children. :p
Re: Should I watch Revenge of the Sith? - NO SPOIL

See it. I would be hard pressed to think of someone who wouldn't be more entertained than bored.

It's fun, a popcorn flick, and something of a cultural event.
Re: Should I watch Revenge of the Sith? - NO SPOIL

Pfft, get a babysitter! GKar's eye can watch yer kids and he can even be in two places at ONCE! One eye in one room and him in the other!
Re: Should I watch Revenge of the Sith? - NO SPOIL

...Unlike the first two movies in the new trilogy, this one mostly felt oriented at "true fans" to me. If you enjoyed the original trilogy and have any memories of it, RotS does tie in nicely with them in a way I guess
Though in general, aside from the visuals, there wasn't really much in it that I really enjoyed that was "new" .. the things I enjoyed mostly were things that were tying in with the original trilogy.

If I hadn't seen the original trilogy and had just been looking at it as a movie on its own, I doubt I would have managed to stay awake through it really :D .. as it is .. well .. if you're a fan of the original trilogy, I'd go.
If you didn't much care for the original trilogy .. skip it :D

From all of the above, it sounds like I should go to see it, and in the theater. ;) I just should have skipped Episodes I and II. Lyta, do you have time for an appointment? I'd like to get a surgical mindwipe of Episodes I & II before I go to see III. :devil: :LOL:
Re: Should I watch Revenge of the Sith? - NO SPOIL

Lyta, do you have time for an appointment? I'd like to get a surgical mindwipe of Episodes I & II before I go to see III. :devil: :LOL:

That's not all you'd like Lyta to wipe for you :devil:
Re: Should I watch Revenge of the Sith? - NO SPOIL

Lyta, do you have time for an appointment? I'd like to get a surgical mindwipe of Episodes I & II before I go to see III. :devil: :LOL:

That's not all you'd like Lyta to wipe for you :devil:

"Wipe" is clearly the incorrect word. Instead, as this is not NC-17, I'd go for the generic verb "do." :devil: In a B5 sense, yeah right, I always enjoyed <font color="#081657"> being <cough> inside <cough> </font> Lyta. :devil: :devil: :D

Hope that "stealth" text wasn't too far over the edge. Demon, see what you get me into?

[paraphrase of Draal] Still, I like her (Demon). She's trouble. [/Draal] :D
Re: Should I watch Revenge of the Sith? - NO SPOIL

The answer to the original question is simple: if you've seen the original Star Wars and give a shit as to how Darth Vader became who he was, then definitely see it (and don't worry about having missed the last two). Otherwise skip it.
Re: Should I watch Revenge of the Sith? - NO SPOIL

Sounds like the resounding conclusion is to go watch the damn movie. I will hold out a bit longer to see if work will pay for it again otherwise I will start pestering the grandparents to watch the kiddo for a few hours.

KoshN - for that mind wipe, see me in NC-17. ;)
Re: Should I watch Revenge of the Sith? - NO SPOIL

enjoyed <font color="#081657"> being <cough> inside <cough> </font> Lyta. :devil: :devil: :D

Hope that "stealth" text wasn't too far over the edge. Demon, see what you get me into?
I am glad to see someone has found the correct color to hide text color:"#081657"
Well done KoshN.
Re: Should I watch Revenge of the Sith? - NO SPOIL

enjoyed <font color="#081657"> being <cough> inside <cough> </font> Lyta. :devil: :devil: :D

Hope that "stealth" text wasn't too far over the edge. Demon, see what you get me into?
I am glad to see someone has found the correct color to hide text color:"#081657"
Well done KoshN.

Sampled the background color in Photoshop and picked the RGB numbers out of Color Picker.
Yet, I can still barely see it. Maybe it's my Vorlon sensors. ;)
Re: Should I watch Revenge of the Sith? - NO SPOIL

Very effective for those among use using other style sheets ;)
Re: Should I watch Revenge of the Sith? - NO SPOIL

See it, you should.

Seriously - go and see if - at least you will know what other people are talking about, if nothing else. I enjoyed it immensely, whic is more than I did with the other two.
Re: Should I watch Revenge of the Sith? - NO SPOIL

KoshN wrote:
Sampled the background color in Photoshop and picked the RGB numbers out of Color Picker.
Yet, I can still barely see it. Maybe it's my Vorlon sensors.

Gotta be a Vorlon thing, because I can read it too.
Re: Should I watch Revenge of the Sith? - NO SPOIL

So, it turns out the company will be paying for us all to go see the movie so I don't have to pay for babysitting or try to talk my mom into doing it.

I will check back after the 16th and see what you all have to say about the movie. :D

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