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Should there be a "B5" in "B5LR"?

Re: Should there be a \"B5\" in \"B5LR\"?

B5 should be part of the title because of the great draw of the name, it's just smart marketing.

"Faith Manages"
Re: Should there be a \"B5\" in \"B5LR\"?

i think they should keep it in there... its one of thoes things that makes people see it and go "click" Thats babylon 5 related.... with out that if people are un informed about the show they may just pass it up... n while Rangers is used in b5 there's quite a few other shows that use the word

see I my self dident know what crusade was about till some one told me it was b5 related.... i saw 1 episode that showed me nothing that was b5 related... no ships no nuda it felt b5 ish but i couldent conferm so i just shruged it off.....

G'kar " No dictator no invader can hold an imprissioned population by force of arms .forever.. there is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom...against that power goverments and tirants and armies Cannot stand... The centuri learned this lession once ... We will teach it to them again... though it take a thousand years... We will be Free!"
Re: Should there be a \"B5\" in \"B5LR\"?

Well, without B5 in the name to distinguish it, you'd have a lot of people disapointed when they tuned in and there were no Kickboxers in starring roles.

Yes, I like cats too.
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Re: Should there be a \"B5\" in \"B5LR\"?

I completely agree with WarpPig (welcome to the boards, btw!
). And I agree with Kosh III (a large welcome to you, too!
). B5LR (I -refuse- to even call it LoTR, and I have started correcting people who do so. *L* I heard that it is called LoTR on a B5 Moderated board, which is really beyond me) should stay as B5LR because it is tied in with the B5 universe. Wasn't one of the titles for Crusade "The Babylon Project: Crusade"? I remember reading that on the IMDB. I also think it shouls be called B5LR so it can draw the fans of B5. I bet there are some fans of B5 who don't even know about B5LR yet. They want to try to draw everybody that they can; new fans, and old fans alike.

Ivanova is always right. I will listen to Ivanova. I will not ignore Ivanova's recommendations. Ivanova is God. And if this ever happens again, Ivanova will personally rip your lungs out.