I found this post on another forum, and it seems that these informations come from the book War of the Ancientes, from Agents of Gaming. Too bad that they went out of business in 2002, and I can´t find this book even on ebay.
It seems the book has information on all the other first ones (Kirishiacs, Torvalus, Mindriders, Triad, Shadows and Vorlons). Probably can´t be considered canon, but it is cool anyway, since it is the only information available about them.
" The Walkers of Sigma 957 The Walkers are the 3rd Oldest race in our galaxy. First was Lorien then the Shadows and THEN The Walkers. They started out as a large thick skinned creatures with poor seances. Individually they posses more knowledge them some entire races. They have a unending Thirst for knowledge and a desire to learn every aspect of the Universe.
The Walkers never needed to developed tools, They cant construct things physically with there mind using Telekinetic. Building Machines and Computer's Could be made easier with them however and this is where they found a need for technology. The first discovery by the Walkers was the existence of other dimensions. Some were permanent like ours... others disappeared in a Instant. The first alternate dimension the walkers traveled too was what we call THIRDSPACE. The creatures there were violent and more powerful telepahiclly then The Walkers. Centruys of negotiants Failed the walkers had to Map out Thirdspace in secret.
The Second permanent Dimension the walkers discovered was Hyperspace. They mapped hyperspace and all of is Storms and whirl pools in a very short time.. This allowed them to travel to other dimensions and places in real space they could not reach before. By the Time all of Hyperspace was Mapped The Shadows had just carved a Empire out for themselves and the Vorlons had just perfected space flight. NO other first one race had Hyperspace at this time. This means that The Walkers Had discovered and mapped out Hyperspace before any other first one race found out about it.
The walkers never had any real territory. they would go around and construct ports from which they could launch expeditions from anywhere they liked. It did not matter whose territory they were infringing upon. Eventually Lorien and the Triad drew up Borders for all the first ones that would remain permanant. This was to help avoid anykind of war.
When a walker Ship left toe explore it would often not return for hundreds of years... When it did it would deposit its information into one of 2 massive databases. One of Sigma 957 the other a just a short distance away. The second base was destroyed By a asteroid impact ( it was uninhabited) but all information there was lost. The Walkers failed to forsee the event whats more is that the Asteroid seemed to come from Vorlon space. The Walkers wanted to know why didnt the Vorlons tell Them it was coming? This event would spur bad blood between the walkers and the Vorlons for years to come. This event spurred the walkers to come home more often... they opened relations with other first ones in order to have a early warning system. this never worked as planned however.
The Walkers have precise documentation of the moment they evolved beyond the physical. This information was one of the Factors of the Kirishiac invasion, However the ease at which the Lords overtook Walker space more then made up for the fact they could never find it.
Walker ships are designed for long range autonomous explore's. They are a Flying Science lab. They have yet to ever build a warship and dont fit ANY weapons to there ships. "But how do they fight?" you ask? Well they have sensor equipment that is so powerful it can be used as weapons
Lightning Array: This is a long distance communicator used for Interdimension Communications and across Universe's (its also the strongest weapon ever published) it fires in 4 shots that can be combined for 1 massive Blow that could destroy most first one ships in 1 shot.
Chromatic Pulse Driver: This is a sensor Suite used to study the fabric of space. Any ship struck by one would take a Surge of electromagnetic damage. They can also be used to analyze shields so the walkers can remodulate there sensors so that shields become less effective and eventually useless.
Energy Draining Field: Every walker ship drains the energy of a ship it comes in contact because of a Sensor suite that scans Matter on a molecular level... this produce's a large negative field that disrupts electrical systems. or any system that uses Non-kinetic energy:
Energy Draining Mine: this is a probe used to disable danger spacial anomalies by disrupting its energy.
the Walkers have more then Just that... But thats a good overview
Here are some of there ships
Traveler: Capitol ship
WEAPONS: 1 Lightning array, 3 Chromatic pulse drivers
Armor: Heavy
Speed/Maneuver: Slow and Steady
Point Value: 5400
Pathfinder:Medium Ship (think Whitestar or a police ship)
Weapons: 1 Medium lighting Array, 1 energy Draining mine Launcher,1CPD
Speed/Maneuver:Slow And very Maneuverable
Point Value: 3150
Waymarker: Hvy Combat Vessal (Think Olympus Corvet)
Weapons: 2 Medium Arrays, 2 Chromatic Pulsars,4 Energy Draining Mines, 1 Electronic warfare detector,1 energy Draining Net
Armor: Medium/Heavy
Speed/Maneuver: Slow and VERY STEADY
Point Value: 2575
18 Fighters
All walker ships can self repair and use a TransDimensional Drive(these were just samples)
Walker Fighters arnt really fighters, they are unmanned Probes, They are VERY FAST, VERY MANEUVERABLE, and each one is equipped With a Medium lighting array that uses a combined fire mode ( its the strength of a Heavy Laser Cannon used by Omegas) An din Addition to that they use a Lighter version of the Chromatic pulse.In addition to that they are the only fighters that use Electronic warfare. They are VERY deadly."