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Signs behind characters (nice quick question)

But he did it to manipulate political opinion, not to prepare for a strike. Didn't he? :confused:

It has been awhile since I've seen it. :eek:
Well, yes, he did. It was to convince other worlds to support his plan, but I still don't see it as propaganda. For one thing, he didn't tell any lies. He didn't twist anything.
How many other times does this happen in the series? And what's the deal with the sign being held up when Sheridan and Delenn come aboard B5 in "Deconstruction of Falling Stars," where somebody's trying to rain on their parade by saying "Sic Transit Gloria Mundi"?

Well, the signs in Psi Corps headquarters were about as subtle as a brick but I'm sure there were others, too.

I'd never noticed the 'Sic Transit' sign until you mentioned it. When you think about it though, that might have actually made a good episode title for this one.

Perhaps it could be considered more of a psyop than propaganda.

I can't argue with that, but it was an exceedingly simple one.

KF, "PR" being ironic? Well, I didn't intend it as such. But, I have told aquaintances who work in advertising that I think all advertising is attempted mind control, so I can see the irony...
I think JMS used a lot of sub plots like Sheridan fending off that political advisor forget which ep that was, up to him messing with the asteriods as a charactor development thing.

You take a millatary captain of a starship put him on B5 he Learns things like diplomocy and PR or his in trouble.

And you really do see the conversion thru S2 to S5.
IIRC, I was struck by something else with the sign. The way it is ripped at the end of the episode makes it say, "TRAIT CAN'T HIDE" and it was in front of Ivanova. Perhaps foreshadowing a bit about her latent telepathy being used a bit more?


How many other times does this happen in the series? And what's the deal with the sign being held up when Sheridan and Delenn come aboard B5 in "Deconstruction of Falling Stars," where somebody's trying to rain on their parade by saying "Sic Transit Gloria Mundi"?
That's a latin expression that means "World glory is transitory". It was whispered to a roman general when he came back victorious from a battle, and now it is said to a recently elected Pope. In both cases it means that the important thing is the mission and not the person: it's what he acomplishes that will be remembered through the ages.