Yesterday I was cleaning out some files and found a copy of Sleeping in Light which I had printed out back in 1998
from the Lurker's Guide, and I started to read it. Pretty soon I was all choked up and reaching for the kleenex.
I felt like an idiot, but this episode still has the power to move me, five years after the end of the series, and it was
just the printed synopsis. I was afraid to go and put on the video in case I succumbed to buckets of tears.
Are others still affected by this episode? In my view it is one of the best finales of any series, if not the best.
from the Lurker's Guide, and I started to read it. Pretty soon I was all choked up and reaching for the kleenex.
I felt like an idiot, but this episode still has the power to move me, five years after the end of the series, and it was
just the printed synopsis. I was afraid to go and put on the video in case I succumbed to buckets of tears.
Are others still affected by this episode? In my view it is one of the best finales of any series, if not the best.