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Slight Revisions to S2 Cover Art

Good for you. /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I don't, but then, that's my problem. I didn't find S1 cover art all that awesome either, to be honest.
I honestly couldn't care less about what the cover art looks like. If it is too horrible, I'll glue a piece of paper or something to the front cover. /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

The quality of the product inside is all I care about.
Well, a cool, attractive cover will stand out to people browsing in stores.

I just hope the episodes are in an order where you can watch the DVDs 1 thru 6 and see all the episodes in order, not like Season 1's jumping around:
I'm still pissed off that Keffer's not on the cover. /forums/images/graemlins/mad.gif What were they thinking? For the most part though, I do like the cover. Sheridan still looks kind of funny to me and Delenn doesn't look quite right to me either.
There are a couple of minor improvements, but Sheridan is still quite horribly done. I've seen better work come out of an introductory illustration course than what's going on on that box in terms of the rendering of Sheridan's picture.
I've been trying to figure out just what it is that Sheridan's picture reminds me of. I think it looks like he's been embalmed or he's a wax statue. The bluish tint makes him look cold, as if he's dead. /forums/images/graemlins/shocked.gif
I changed the new one to an orange look and i think it looks better. Could someone host the image for me?
The bluish tint makes him look cold, as if he's dead.
Yeah, exactly! Like I said in another thread, he looks as if he's frozen (to death) or on ice. *shudders*

And I so agree with Derian. Sheridan's just badly drawn. Never mind the overall attractiveness (I still think the whole layout's bad), it's just not well done portrait. Argh. And that's my semi-professional art critic opinion. /forums/images/graemlins/devil.gif

The other characters look much better... wonder if it's because they're smaller or the artist just got the likeness better? In that case, they should move someone else on the forefront (Ivanova or Garibaldi both look better and more recognizable - honestly, if it wasn't the cover of a B5 set and having all the other characters there, I could never have figured it was Sheridan!).

But then, that is somewhat similar to the opinion I have of the S1 cover - Londo is very well rendered, Sinclair's not bad either but G'Kar doesn't really look like himself... better than Sheridan, sure, but there's something "off" about him.

And of course it won't really matter to fans what the box looks like... I'm just glad to have something to nitpick at last as well. I was feeling left out of the S1 image quality discussions (just watched Midnight on Firing Line at last over the weekend and as hard as I tried, I didn't notice a single scratch or other flaw! I guess I'm just physically inable to see them). /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Well, at least there's always hope that for some reason if I don't make it into grad school, I'd still be qualified to apply for Art Director at WB.
So the consensus of opinion is that it stinks! /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

I find it an interesting choice that they have 4 humans and only one alien on the cover. And as others have pointed out, isn't Delen's picture a bit of a spoiler?

I guess they wanted to use every character that they didn't use on season 1's cover.

Oh, and I never noticed the visual problems on any season 1 episode, either. Only the brief sound problems. All in all, I'm very happy with my purchase. /forums/images/graemlins/cool.gif
And as others have pointed out, isn't Delenn's picture a bit of a spoiler?

If you squint and tilt your head you can almost see where the crest starts at her temple....... /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif I'd still rather see her portrayed in full 'Satai mode!' The attitude is a bit of a spoiler, too.

or maybe Peter Pan!

Hehehehehe....Think 3 wonderful thoughts.....and you can fly!

Bester Lips! John has Bester lips, and he should be smiling......a little....twas a trademade. Those are definately NOT his lips! /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif
That cover is still ugly. That looks nothing like Sheridan, at all. And what's with Garibaldi? If you look at his eyes, it seems he's looking at the 5 that mysteriously grew out of un-Sheridan's head.
*barrel rolls in*
everyone down!
*pulls out a rifle and assasinates the quif*
youll be okay now mr sheridan.
Hm... maybe that high hairdo was necessary to support the yellow 5? /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Very nice cover-art , that is all there is to say about it! /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif

And as many have pointed out , main thing anyways is what is inside - and the great fact that the B5-story is coming alive on DVD!! /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Very nice cover-art , that is all there is to say about it

yep, it is for the most part. but why did they have to change Talia for Ivanova? i liked it more the other way. besides this is the last season for Talia, there are going to be 3 more boxes for Ivanova.

arg, i hate her, as much as Kribu hates Sheridan. why does she always get special treatment from everyone, even the WB designers.