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Smallville going down hill? [season 3 spoilers]


Staff member
Does anyone else feel Smallville is going down hill, and that they're losing interest?

I was just talking briefly about it to Markas. He feels in a similar way.

I've had a new episode for weeks, but am only getting around to watching it tonight. I remember when new episodes were a major event, and I had to watch them that night.

I will elaborate on why I think this tomorrow, I need to go and watch said episode plus various other programmes right now. But in short... it's just got over the top at times, which then makes it boring.

It isn't really spoilerish to say that in a recent episode there was a person threatening to blow up a building with a bomb. I sat there reading at the same time. :D It's like... "Yeah, seen the someone-is-threatening-to-do-something episode before".

They've also lost their wonderful brewing feeling of impending doom.
Re: Smallville going down hill?

I've been bored by Smallville for quite some time, so I say yes, it is going downhill.
Re: Smallville going down hill?

I never thought much of smallville. Here is a summary of every episode:

1) Someone in Smallville was altered by the meteor shower into some super baddie.
2) Clark saves the day, and makes Lex suspicious.
Re: Smallville going down hill?

I have to agree and here are my main complaints:

#1 -- It's becoming the Lana Lang show... Lana's in trouble; Lana dates a loser; Lana misses her dead parents... etc. The writers of this show must have a love affair with Kristen Kruek, because they invent ways to make her the center of every freakin' story even when the story isn't about her. The sad thing is that she obviously doesn't have the acting chops to be the focus of the series, yet no one seems to mind.

#2 -- There are just too few stories focusing on Clark's "alieness." A high school kid finds out that he's really an alien and his biggest problem is how to ask out Lana on a date? There should be episodes where Clark believes he is nothing but an inhuman freak sent to Earth to rule. He should be doubting his every instinct, but he comes off like any other teenager with a secret. "Dating girls" should be further down the list of things to worry about than "Am I a monster?" and it just doesn't feel that way. The guy should be a psychological wreck, not to mention the whole sex thing. The guy should be scared to death of actually being intimate with a chick, because he might accidentally maim her -- lose concentration for a second and Lana's head might go through the headboard.

#3 -- The series does a poor job when it comes to explaining Clark's other powers. He masters heat vision in one episode and super hearing in another. These should have been continuing things for him to deal with. I'm not even sure how his super hearing even works ... is he always hearing everything at once or does he turn it off and on at will? Another thing that I haven't seen is evidence of Clark's intelligence. Even if you don't buy that Kryptonian genetics would naturally make him a genius compared to humans, the guy's mind obviously works faster than ours ... I don't see any evidence that he's any smarter than Chloe. He should be able to beat most of these freaks-of-the week with his head. The thing that makes Superman what he is isn't just his strength and invulnerability, it's also his brains ... which is how he's able to beat most of his magic-based enemies like Mr. Mytzoplik (sp).

#4 -- Why the hell aren't Johnathan, Martha and Peter (and pretty much everyone else in town) getting rid of all the damn Kryptonite in Smallville? Let me get this straight, there's this substance where I live that can kill my friend or my son and I don't do a damn thing to get rid of it? A couple of organized searches every weekend or so might go a long way. But even putting Clark aside for the moment, it should be pretty obvious to the simple townsfolk by now that these green rocks that fell down from outer space are freakin' dangerous. Hell, I doubt that any of them have even called the EPA for God's sakes. And where is the government in all this? You're telling me that Uncle Sam is gonna turn a blind eye to a town where superpowered mutants turn up on a regular basis? The same town that had a meteor shower ten years earlier?

#5 -- It's simply too hard for me to believe that Lex won't be able to put two and two together once Superman makes his debut in Metropolis. Hell, I'm having trouble believing that he can't make the connection now with eveything he knows. I think they should go ahead and let Lex figure it out... let it coincide with his descent into the dark side. The fact that Clark kept such a secret from him might even explain his move to evil ... if, as I suspect, Clark is the only person he was able to trust, then this would come as the ultimate betrayl. I can even understand why Lex wouldn't reveal Superman's secret identity in the future... it's better to have a part-time Superman with a secret identity than a full-time Superman with no secret identity.

#6 -- Why hasn't Clark kept in contact with Dr. Swann? You don't need Christopher Reeve to actually be in an episode to have Dr. Swann send a letter, an e-mail or make a phone call. Since Jor-El only seems to talk during season enders, it only makes since that Clark would want to talk with the only person that has some knowledge of Krypton. Hell, Dr. Swann might be able to reveal a lot simply by taking a look at the spaceship or those freaky caves.
Re: Smallville going down hill?

I haven't really watched the show since the premiere, so I can't comment on the quality of the show. I do have a bit of trivia for you all though.

In one of the posts, a character named Dr. Swann was mentioned. Who is this character named after?
Re: Smallville going down hill?

Lynn Swann! Hall of Fame Wide Receiver for the Pittsburg Steelers! I know I am right!

Re: Smallville going down hill?

I think you are all wathcing a different show to me? I think the third season has been great so far; Smallville has, IMHO, grown significantly with every season.

There is far less of the "Clark Kent's Creek" feel to it, and they are playing with the mythology in interesting ways.

Re: Smallville going down hill?

I agree, the quality of the show is going down some... not to the point where I plan to stop watching it. The stand alone aspect has gotten stupider, yet the continuing story parts have gotten more complex and offten more interesting.

Kosh N made some excellent points. I would like to add that for many of the stories you have to accept that Kryptonite has every conceivable property imaginable. ;)

The writers need to lose some of the Lana-ness of the show. I remember thinking once Clark said he wants to stay out of Lana's way for a bit that there was really no reason Lana should be in this show...
Re: Smallville going down hill?

Lynn Swann! Hall of Fame Wide Receiver for the Pittsburg Steelers! I know I am right!


Er........ NO!

Curt Swan, who drew the Superman comic for many years.

They do this in TV shows and movies based on comics; name streets and characters after writers and artists that have worked on the strip. A map of Gotham City in a recent Batman novel was like a Who's Who of writers and artists.
Re: Smallville going down hill?

It has gotten to the point where I'll mute the parts with Lana in them. I usually watch a tape of the episode so I can go back if it becomes obvious that I missed something important I can't figure out(a rarity). There is not enough cheese in France to go with all that wine.

I don't think the quality has really gone downhill that much since they have gotten away from krypto-freak of the week.

Lex did figure it out before a few volts were run through his head.
Re: Smallville going down hill?

Lex did figure it out before a few volts were run through his head.
Yeah, which was kind of a cop out. Hell, I'm still surprised that Lionel is in the dark, especially considering the fact that he's been monkeying around with Clark's DNA.
Re: Smallville going down hill?

I think Lionel does know, he just doesn't know the blood sample is from Clark.