My previous post also lead me to another long rambling, one which might be called an alternative way of explaining some Minbari beliefs -- without assuming the existence of a "soul" consisting of anything but organised information.
So, let us for instance assume that what we call a "soul" is simply information stored in matter. This information directs its own development, tries to understand itself and interacts with the world -- but it is information nevertheless.
It starts assembling itself as we form, grow and learn. It accepts new information, pieces of data from the world and pieces of other persons, interprets them and gives them meanings, engages in searches for understanding and at the same time reflects new information back to the surrounding world.
If the information is gradually altered by everyday life, a personality changes slowly. If it is altered abruptly, the change is noticable. If the storage media is destroyed, the information is lost... and the exact same personality will never come back again.
There are cases when a body can be resurrected but the memory, the experiences and the personality are gone -- erased. The media functions, but is void of personality and a new personality will start building itself. This would be the case after a complete "mindwipe". All that is left of the old personality/soul resides in memories of other people, thoughts committed to fixed form or other media from which it couldn't be erased.
In this light, one could piece together both the belief of souls being reborn... and that of them being unique. Each person, each soul would leave an echo of itself circulating in the world. Thoughts, deeds, ideas, opinions, impressions, memories, appearaces, everything the world can accept in one form or other.
These pieces, themselves based on the world and other "souls", would participate in forming new personalities which we might also call souls. They would live in the world their predecessors created, be new and yet also very old. Some would be a loose combination of many sources, some strikingly similar to a single person who has existed before -- or a seeming continuation of that person.
Perhaps this is the approach the Minbari take towards reincarnation and the soul being "a non-localized phenomenon".
[This message has been edited by Lennier (edited November 17, 2001).]