You know, we may not hear
anything. As noted above, the general public cannot just go and "check rating" - that information is
sold to networks and advertisers, not given away. There are seveal possibilities here, and only one or two of them would result in our seeing the ratings. Here's the run down:
1) The ratings are
fantastic. The movie beat
Dune, Sci-Fi wants a series.
They may publish the ratings and brag a little. Or, they may wait. Even if they decided on Tuesday morning that they wanted a show, there is still the little matter of making a deal with Warner Bros.
et al. They know the fans are primed to think that good ratings = new series. So they may not reveal them until they're sure there's going to
be a series.
2) The ratings
suck, everybody in America watched the "snow bowl", "
Rangers who?"
There's no reason to publicize the ratings.
3) The rating is right
near the number they were hoping for.
Sci-Fi has to make a decision, which will take time. Odds are they don't publish the number, at least not immediately. See (1) above.
Chances are that the only way we'll see a ratings number is if someone who works in TV or advertising
leaks it. And those folks have to be careful, so I wouldn't hold my breath.
(Besides, even if we
see a number, chances are we get the answer to the question we really want answered, namely, "Will there be a series?"
I sure don't know what Sci-Fi has in mind. Granted, if it pulled a 5.0, we're probably in good shape. (Meaning that they can start
talking to WB, the cast, etc.) But if its a 2.5? a 3.0 even? I've heard rumors of what they're after, but I don't know for sure. So the ratings are apt to be of very limited utility.)
Joseph DeMartino
Sigh Corps
Pat Tallman Division