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So where are we now?

One thing to keep in mind is that B5 was low budget show. BSG and Firefly i belive are both very expensive shows, even Farscape budget was twice B5 had. I like them all.

Yeah, and B5 is the perfect example of how you can sometimes make an excellent show on a small budget! ;)

Still, it'd be damned nice to see a B5 universe show on a Firefly/Farscape sized budget ($2 Million to $1.4 Million/ep.).
Would it? Wouldn't a more expensive show have to show significantly higher rating numbers to survive past its own first half-season?
Would it? Wouldn't a more expensive show have to show significantly higher rating numbers to survive past its own first half-season?

Yes, it'd be nice to see what JMS could do with $2 Million to $1.4 Million per episode. On the other hand, we'd be disappointed because some network would cancel it within 3 episodes. More and more, it's a no win situation for anybody who likes non-superficial TV. A JMS show can't survive these days at $1 Million/ep. (e.g. Crusade). At budgets less than that, the superficial mainstream viewers will ignore story and moan about production values. At budgets greater than that, superficial mainstream viewers (who are needed to boost the ratings numbers) won't watch because they don't want to have to think, have the attention span of a gnat, and want everything tied up at the end of each ep.

These days, I find that I watch only mainstream stuff on TV (2.5 Men, the CSIs, NCIS, Numb3rs, etc.) because I'm tired of my favorite, often quirky, non-mainstream stuff being cancelled out from under me in usually very short order (Brimstone, Crusade, The Tick, Keen Eddie, Wonderfalls, etc.).
We are nowhere the show is gone and no hope of anything new .That is for books,tv or movies.The only thing new is a series RPG books by Mongoose Pub. but with the downfall of the novels I can't help but wonder how long the new books will last ?
Yeah, but WOW, what a turn NCIS just took!
<font color="yellow"> Beginning of Spoilers Space! Highlight lines below to read. </font>
<font color="#081657">
So, they killed off the character of an actor that wanted off of the show. It's been done before.
<font color="yellow"> End of Spoiler Space. </font>

And BTW, I missed the 2nd half of that episode due to the DVD-RAM disc being full. Didn't get to watch and erase the previous night's 2.5 Men and CSI Miami in time. :mad:
Spoilers for season finale for Navy NCIS


Yeah, but WOW, what a turn NCIS just took!

So, they killed off the character of an actor that wanted off of the show. It's been done before. And BTW, I missed the 2nd half of that episode due to the DVD-RAM disc being full. Didn't get to watch and erase the previous night's 2.5 Men and CSI Miami in time. :mad:

Yeah, but she was my favorite character and one of the reasons I enjoyed the show was the chemistry between her and Denozo (real or not). Plus it didn't hurt thatshe had a great body. I'm ambivalent about next season but this is getting off topic so I'll shut up.

The only thing new is a series RPG books by Mongoose Pub

Yeah, and that's not even REAL. It's more like fan fiction. Which can be quite good, but it's not the same.
Yeah, but WOW, what a turn NCIS just took!
<font color="yellow"> Beginning of Spoilers Space! Highlight lines below to read. </font>
<font color="#081657">
So, they killed off the character of an actor that wanted off of the show. It's been done before.
<font color="yellow"> End of Spoiler Space. </font>
And BTW, I missed the 2nd half of that episode due to the DVD-RAM disc being full. Didn't get to watch and erase the previous night's 2.5 Men and CSI Miami in time. :mad:

Yeah, but she was my favorite character and one of the reasons I enjoyed the show was the chemistry between her and Denozo (real or not).

Likewise! Well, she used to be my favorite character. For me, starting with this last season, she's second to Abby ( :D ).

Plus it didn't hurt that she had a great body.

Agreed. BTW, she also had the cutest nose, a nice voice and great hair.

I'm ambivalent about next season.p. I'm ambivalent about next season but this is getting off topic so I'll shut up.

I'm also ambivalent about next season. Eh, what B5 stuff do we have to talk about, anyway? Nothing.
Yeah, but WOW, what a turn NCIS just took!
<font color="yellow"> Beginning of Spoilers Space! Highlight lines below to read. </font>
<font color="#081657">
So, they killed off the character of an actor that wanted off of the show. It's been done before.
<font color="yellow"> End of Spoiler Space. </font>
And BTW, I missed the 2nd half of that episode due to the DVD-RAM disc being full. Didn't get to watch and erase the previous night's 2.5 Men and CSI Miami in time. :mad:

Yeah, but she was my favorite character and one of the reasons I enjoyed the show was the chemistry between her and Denozo (real or not).

Likewise! Well, she used to be my favorite character. For me, starting with this last season, she's second to Abby :D.

Plus it didn't hurt that she had a great body.

Agreed. BTW, she also had the cutest nose, a nice voice and great hair.

I'm ambivalent about next season.p. I'm ambivalent about next season but this is getting off topic so I'll shut up.

I'm also ambivalent about next season. Eh, what B5 stuff do we have to talk about, anyway? Nothing.
Um. I'm not watching NCIS, but how about going back and editing your posts with spoiler space before the editable period expires. :)
Um. I'm not watching NCIS, but how about going back and editing your posts with spoiler space before the editable period expires. :)

Good point. I'm sorry. I'll go do that right now.
He, he. The spoiler colors that KoshN made work for us with the standard syle set (white on blue), but they'll be high-lighted in other style sets.
He, he. The spoiler colors that KoshN made work for us with the standard syle set (white on blue), but they'll be high-lighted in other style sets.

Absolutely ... the colour scheme I always use (black text on white) shows the start and end notes of the spoiler space in unreadable yellow, with the spoiler itself neatly displayed in dark blue.

Nice try ... :D
He, he. The spoiler colors that KoshN made work for us with the standard syle set (white on blue), but they'll be high-lighted in other style sets.

[Kosh] We take no interest in the style sets of others. [/Kosh] :devil: :devil: :devil: :LOL: