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Space Strategy Games


Can anyone tell me of a game that is as close to being B5esque as possible. I'm looking for something that allows you to carry out relatively complex trade and diplomacy... but allows you to take the helm of a fleet or a ship when it all goes a bit pooey! I'm also very keen on being able to fully customise my own ships.

Can anyone help?
The Spacemaster series was extremely adaptable with Psionics as well.Was there not a B5 aRPG and would that not allow for ship to ship combat?

Or are you after a PC game?
Galahad -- I played such a game once. Emphasis on the once. It belonged to a buddy of mine, and I can't really remember the name of it. I think it was Imperia Galactica or something along those lines. In some ways it mimicked B5 very closely; some ship designs, in fact, looked identical. This was years ago, however, and I don't remember it well.
May not be as complex as you are after but Master of Orion 2 struck me as being B5-esque. Might have been that the star systems used some of the same names as those found in B5. There is another computer game: "Babylon 5: I've Found Her" but that is more flight sim. I haven't had much chance to play it but the little I have impressed me (It's freeware btw) link: http://ifh.firstones.com/

RPG-wise I think if you check out Mongoose Publishing, they took over B5 rights from Agents of Gaming.
I think I've seen that in my local GAME store too. I was umming and ahhing about it... the Mod's look extremely exciting. Trouble is the computer I've recently acquired is a little old. It should be ok in hard disk space and processor terms, but the RAM is pretty tight to the running spec... and I have no clue what graphics card I have.

People like me shouldn't be let loose on computers :)

I am hoping to get the RAM upgraded in the future... I wanted to play Sim's 2 on it.

You aren't going to tell me there are Sims/Sims 2 B5 mods are you?
Ah, yes. Homeworld is quite good. I didn't mention it because it's somewhat unlike B5's story line (except in the sheer epic-ness of it). It's closer of BSG in story.
Bar none the best game is EVE ONLINE. It is the smartest, most sophisticated MMORPG in the world. Currently averages around 20,000 simultaneous online users with peaks around 30,000. It is amazingly B5ish.

Check it out here: www.eve-online.com

There are a ton of B5 fans there and many B5 avatars. You will love it.
Bah I just lost a long post but here it is, Gal civ 2 is good unfortunatly no tactical Battles, battles just are determined by computer and their a simulation of the results.
HW 1 and 2 are good. Its real-time 3d stratgy.
Spirutal successor is Sword of the stars.

Game I would look at is X3 "reunion" , it is more a space simulation you fly your own ship initialy and can be mercenary or trading. But you can build mines on astroids and sell the goods, and even buy other ships to make a fleet and have the pc do trade routes and so on. Economy is very complex. Game is like Elite or Privateer.
One thing to note is it has starforce copy protection, but if you get it thru steampowered.com , it dose not have starforce.

Space rangers2 is another game to look at though it like a space control game with all 2d top down , adventure game. It unfortunaly also has starforce, though think maybe a version is out that dosen't have it.

Last game you may want to look at is hte battle cruisers serise its a old game but the creator made it free to public after 5 years. YOu can check them out here http://www.3000ad.com/downloads/index.shtml
I couldn't get these to run on my newer pcs .
Hey Just found out Space Rangers 2 is available on the steam like network that Galactic Civilization 2 creators have, at Galciv2.com . probably can get demos and try all the game , and if you like Gal civ and space rangers, would almost say buy the 70$ membership and get like 35 % discount and you can get galciv2 , its add on and space rangers 2 and those 3 games nearly 80 dollars or so.
You shoud try Nexus - the jupiter incident. Altought it is not very similar to B5, but has an amaizing storyline,very good graphics and it is very interesting :)
Holy moses, EVE looks amazing....

I need to get me braodband and build a new PC for gaming...
Yes Darth EVE is AMAZING. I am a vet of the game thats been there since beta. If you want to play I am pretty sure they still have trial accounts so you can try it out to see if you like it before you have to pay anything.

I will warn you the game is a 23-7 living universe so it can be VERY addictive. It also have a pretty steep learning curve , but in the long run its well worth it.

For anyone here that ends up playing feel free to look me up ingame (The1). My corporation and alliance are two of the strongest in the game and could be a great asset to you. Believe me , you need friends in this game....and strong ones are even better..lol.

I encourage anyone to hit the web-site and check it out. Download the free trial account and you will be hooked!

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