>Ok, I just read the latest issue of Amazing Spider-Man and I am hoping someone can fill me in on what the deal with MJ is?>
Will do!
>I got the feeling that she is his long time gf or something, right?>
Close....MJ and Peter were married.
Not sure if they officially got a divorce or not (I missed the issues where Peter & her split)...but Peter and MJ were married for a long time.
MJ was even pregnant at one time....but she lost the baby. Foul play on the part of one of Spidey's villians "the Green Goblin" is suspected by the long time readers. But thats another story all together.
Basically, what it boils down to, is that the editors, head-honchos of Marvel,etc wanted Peter to be single again (they were trying to de-age him) so they split MJ and Peter.
IMO, I personally don't like it and think they should have stayed together but..I'm not in charge of Marvel. /ubbthreads/images/icons/frown.gif
Anyway, JMS has avoided using her (and other long time Spidey supporting characters...expect for Aunt May and MJ's Aunt). I'm not sure why he used her in the Silent Issue...maybe its building toward MJ and Peter getting back together...or at least re-introducing her to the title. Or maybe Marvel just wanted her to be in the issue.
And ya the issue being silent doesn't help much to explain who MJ is to the new reader! lol!
Hope I'm helping!
> What happened between them that she is in LA and he is in NY?>
Well, I covered that up there a little..not really sure all the details to MJ and Peter's split.
Last time I read one with MJ in it, she was first thought dead, then it was found out that she was alive and had been captured by someone that was stalking her....
Like I said, not sure why they split...guess it might have been something do with being captured and how Peter's Spidey career always gets into their life..she didn't much like him being Spidey.
>Does she know his identity?>
Yes indeed. She actually found out...get this....way back when Peter had just become Spidey.
MJ use to live next door to Peter. So, before she even knew him, she saw him pull on the Spidey mask as he slipped out his window!
Course we the readers didn't find this out till many, many, many, many years later, when MJ revealed to Peter that she knew his secret!
(and this was before they got married!)
So, I don't know how long after that...a story was told showing when MJ first found out! Never read it myself...just heard about it.
I do have a reprint of the story where MJ tells Peter that knows he's Spiderman! Very good issue.
-MJ and Peter were married and almost had a kid!
(aside: theres actually a comic, called Spidergirl, that tells the adventure of this kid that was never born! Its an alternate reality! Peter and MJ are still married there)
-They were split up to make Peter seem younger (at least thats what I hear)
-and now MJ is appearing in the comic again for some reason
Maybe they will get back together? That would be cool, IMO.
Well, anyway, I hope I helped somewhat.
If you have anymore questions about MJ or Aunt May or anything else Spidey related just ask!
I'm a huge fan of Spiderman.
>PS: Remember I only started reading when JMS began writing for ASM and only vaugely know of the rest of his history. >
Welcome aboard! Like I said, if you need to know anything else, just ask.
Citizen DF