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Spoiler code should now be working again...


Staff member
<font class="small">SPOILER (drag your mouse over to view):</font>
<table bgcolor="#000000" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" border="0"><tr bgcolor="#000000"><td bgcolor="#000000" id="spoiler"><font color="#000000">test test test test test test test test test test test test </font></td></tr></table>
<font class="small">SPOILER (drag your mouse over to view):</font>
<table bgcolor="#000000" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" border="0"><tr bgcolor="#000000"><td bgcolor="#000000" id="spoiler"><font color="#000000"> I think you've done it! </font></td></tr></table>
<font class="small">SPOILER (drag your mouse over to view):</font>
<table bgcolor="#000000" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" border="0"><tr bgcolor="#000000"><td bgcolor="#000000" id="spoiler"><font color="#000000">test test test test test test test test test test test test test test </font></td></tr></table>
<font class="small">SPOILER (drag your mouse over to view):</font><table bgcolor="#000000" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" border="0"><tr bgcolor="#000000"><td bgcolor="#000000" id="spoiler">test test test test test test test </font></td></tr></table>
<font class="small">SPOILER (drag your mouse over to view):</font>
<table bgcolor="#000000" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" border="0"><tr bgcolor="#000000"><td bgcolor="#000000" id="spoiler"><font color="#000000">test</font></td></tr></table>

It's alright for posting people... but DON'T edit a post with spoiler code. Somethign aint' right, and I need to sort it.
<font class="small">SPOILER (drag your mouse over to view):</font>
<table bgcolor="#000000" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" border="0"><tr bgcolor="#000000"><td bgcolor="#000000" id="spoiler"><font color="#000000">
Thank you

Did something go wrong with the 11:16 posting?

Any change of Spoiler being added to the built in list of Instant UBB Codes below the Post box?
It will be, when I get it working properly... yes...

(attachment test now too)
Yup, that's my picture /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif Thanks for fixing the glitch

[spoiler] test test [/spoiler]

hmm, what is the proper syntax? /forums/images/graemlins/blush.gif
Erm. That is the correct thing actually. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif

I had to upgrade the board again, maybe I lost it...

Will sort it.
Any chance of placing the modifications in a command file so that the next time you upgrade the board spoiler handling can be added quickly?
Once I get the code working, I can implement it quickly. It's just there's been problems that are being caused in a way I don't know.