Again, this is a hired gun to write a script just like JMS did on TMoS. This does not mean the film has a greenlight...not by a long shot.
I still predict Paramount will let it die for a while. They are not impressed with Trek films any longer. Especially ones produced by Berman. The last two failed miserably, and people with such track records aren't handed more films -- especially when the Trek franchise is about to be put to bed for a time.
I think this is Berman's way of grabbing for power again, and Paramount saying, "Go ahead, let us see a script, but no promises."
Do you all know how many film scripts are commissioned like this every year and never, ever see the light of day, much less go into production?
We're hearing about this because Berman made it public. Why? To try to hold onto a franchise he's destroyed and doesn't want to let go of because it's all he has that makes him important. If he makes the spect script public, then hopefully he can steal some of the thunder over Enterprise getting cancelled and turn it to his film idea (which steals where Coto was going to go with ENT.).
It isn't going to work. Can you imagine the suits letting him have millions of dollars to make another film that fans aren't in support of (while they kill something the fans do support) after two failed films and after he, Berman himself, has told them and the world that Trek suffers from franchise fatigue (his pitiful excuse for what he's done to Trek's fandom) and needs a rest?
I can hear that conversation now:
Berman: "I know let's do another big budget film about the formation of the Federation. We'll use all new cast so we don't have to go to any one actor and beg them to come onboard."
Suit: "Didn't you just get through saying that Trek needed a break for a while, Rick? That the fans were fatigued and waning?"
Berman: "Well, that was until I saw their outcry over the cancellation of ENTERPRISE. We've obviously still got fans."
Suit: "Where were they on the last two films?"
Berman: "Well...."
Suit: "Besides, we're talking about a film here, not a series...not to mention, they seem to really like what Manny is doing these days."
Berman: "That's why I think we should use what he wanted to do with another season of ENTERPRISE for the film."
Suit: "But with an all new cast that the fans of ENTERPRISE and Trek in general don't know."
Berman: "Exactly...then we don't owe Manny anything."
Suit: "If you give us a script we'll take a look, but no promises."
Berman: "Great...I'll get you one."
*Berman leaves. Suit turns to other suit*
Suit: "Yeah, like that's ever gonna happen. Is Manny still outside...send him in."