Interesting idea, and I would have been in favor of it. I BELEVE that this was put together before the re-imagining of Battlestar Galactica in its miniseries was announced, correct? Still that being said, there are a couple coinsidences with it:
1) Same concept of rebooting an original series.
2) Scotty as a female? Even if they said it was just an example, boy thats funny igven what BSG did with Starbuck.
Also in the description it seems that JMS was hoping to go back to his bread-and-butter 5 year series with 1 season equalling 1 year of real-time in the show. Same basic outline for the series as Season 1 of B5. Also appeared to have "million year old ancient culture" overall story arc.
Not saying it was going to be B5 redone in Star Trek, but the basic framework is there.
Either way I really liked the concept. As a Trek fan I would have embraced this --- especially given how well BSG has turned out. I don't think the original Trek Series (TOS) can compare to the original BSG series --- it was far far superior, but I do agree that after all that has been established, maybe refreshing things is in order. I also like that they would introduce some original stories, brought up to modern times.
Additionally, I've always said that even though effects and even acting were rough at times in the original series, that you needed to remember that it was state-of-the-art for the time it was made in. If you take that great original concept and put it in today's world where series and movie writing has gotten better and more has been learned (yes I do believe this is the case) then you could end up with a real masterpiece that would get the fans into something they can look forward to.
Too bad it never and won't come to pass.