Just doing a moive about "Young Kirk and Spock" within the context of the present "universe" just adds another layer of confused and contadictory backstory to an already hopelessly muddled continuity. The nice thing about a "reboot" (and I hasten to point out that I'm the only one I know of who has so much as suggested such a thing) is that it lets you clear away a lot of underbrush.
The Klingons can always look the same going forward. You can establish a distinct, consistent and plausible "look" and behavior for the technology of the pre-Kirk, Kirk, and
TNG/DS9 periods. Zephraim Cochrane can go back to being a colonist from Alpha Centauri whose forebearers got there in sublight vessels, and we don't need the silly coincidence of the Vulcan's being the first aliens encountered by the Humans. (Or he can be a crazy drunk who built a starship for no good reason amid the radioactive ashes of a post-nuclear war planet. Because that makes so much
) The point is, they can pick
one version and stick with it.
Oh, and they can pretty much make time-travel impossible in the new universe, which would force future writers to come up with better stories.