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Star Wars Sept 21st release

Is the documentary described in the extras the same one that was shown on te AMC cable network last night? It certainly looks like it.

Empire of Dreams that was on A&E last night is on the DVD, but I think that the version on the DVD is longer if I remember reading something somewhere on the net a couple weeks ago correctly.
ScifiWire's poll this week is about which version do you prefer:

1. The original 70s/80s
2. The 1997 special editions
3. The 2004 DVD release
4. Star wars? Give me Trek.
So what are DVDS about now? Fleecing as much money from the consumer as possible? Its always been about the money but doesn't stop me from buying them, DVD is currently the best medium for one to watch films on.

That's part of it.

The other part:

For example LOTR:
Not seen in theaters, this unique version of the epic adventure features over 40 minutes of new and extended scenes integrated into the film by the director. DVD set consists of four discs with hours of original content including multiple documentaries, commentaries and design/photo galleries with thousands of images to give viewers an in-depth behind-the-scenes look at the film.

Or Episode II:

On the second disc are eight deleted scenes with optional introductions. Most interesting are a scene of Padme addressing the Senate to oppose the creation of a Republic army, and some bits with her family and home on Naboo, but it's probably telling that, unlike with Phantom Menace, none of the deleted scenes was incorporated into the film on the DVD. Three substantial documentaries on digital characters, animatics, and creating sound elements are complemented by three insubstantial featurettes, a recycled but interesting 12-part Web documentary, and various other items that should keep fans busy while they wait for Episode III.

Or a simple movie like girl interrupted:
• Director's Commentary: This commentary by James Mangold is one of the most insightful, informative, and non-annoying I've heard. It's just him, so there's no interrupting or talking over. And he very obviously planned what he was going to say in advance, which means he doesn't give us filler while waiting for inspiration to strike and he's not afraid to stop talking for a moment to let us watch a critical scene.
• Isolated Music Score: This feature allows you to watch the movie with no sound except the music. I heard music that I didn't realize was there during my first viewing, either because I was distracted by dialogue or because the music was drowned out by other noises.
• HBO First Look: The Making of Girl, Interrupted: This 13-minute behind-the-scenes feature gives us a brief introduction to the film, its source material, and its cast with interviews of Winona Ryder, James Mangold, Cathy Konrad (producer), Susanna Kaysen, Angelina Jolie, Whoopi Goldberg, and Douglas Wick (producer).
• Deleted Scenes with Optional Director's Commentary: As is usually the case, most of these scenes are better left out of the movie, but, surprisingly, there were a couple that I wish would have made it in. Especially if you haven't read the book, check out the deleted scenes—you'll learn a few more things about Susanna and her story. As with the commentary for the movie itself, the commentary for these scenes will help you understand and appreciate them.
• Talent Files: These are written summaries of the careers of James Mangold, Winona Ryder, Angelina Jolie, Whoopi Goldberg, Vanessa Redgrave, and Jared Leto.
• Theatrical Trailers: Trailers for Girl, Interrupted, Bram Stoker's Dracula, Little Women, and Foxfire.


And jesus get over it. Business men want your money, YES. That's their job.
I own the Lord of the Rings extended cut DVD's (well, the first two, eagerly awaiting the third) and love them. The addded/extended scenes add a whole new level to the story and the behind the scenes footage is fantastic.

The stuidos are realizing that the public wants the extra stuff and are releasing the "chock full o' extras" versions before any other versions.

This is what the format was created for, IMHO.
I own the Lord of the Rings extended cut DVD's (well, the first two, eagerly awaiting the third) and love them. The addded/extended scenes add a whole new level to the story and the behind the scenes footage is fantastic.

The stuidos are realizing that the public wants the extra stuff and are releasing the "chock full o' extras" versions before any other versions.

This is what the format was created for, IMHO.
To a point yes. I used to love all the extra stuff, but by now only the very best extras are still worth watching. LotR extended cut DVDs are definately in that category. However for most 'normal' movies I just don't care enough to watch any significant amount of extras anymore.

Before you would at least get an exciting glimps at "how they make movies", by now I know all that so I'm only interested in the particular movie.
Totally agree. Most extras for me are filler. I get into DVD's due to the better quality picture, storage bonuses (wow, these things are thin!!) and the fact that a DVD should last 30-40 years. VHS tapes die after 10-15 usually. Subtitles are also a bonus. My GF is hard of hearing, so they help no end. that said, you would be suprised how many movies do not bother.

Extras are an odd one. I don't honestly have the time to sit through 6+ hours per movie (hmm, a look at Lindesy Lohan's wardrobe) , so i tend not to let it affect me when buying. Commentaries are things i rarely use. I agree with the point on the special edition LOTR disks though, they are cool. :cool:

Back to the Star Wars disks, if i get them (and i still might, the image quality enhancement does look great) then it won't be the extras i'll be going for, it'll be the movies themselves, even if they are the latest Luca$ re-edits.
Totally agree. Most extras for me are filler. I get into DVD's due to the better quality picture, storage bonuses (wow, these things are thin!!)
Yes, but they could be even thinner :) By now I've flat run out of space for my DVDs ( http://www.dvdaficionado.com/dvds.html?cat=1&sub=All&id=ibwolf ). I guess it's about time to buy some shelfs or something.
and the fact that a DVD should last 30-40 years. VHS tapes die after 10-15 usually. Subtitles are also a bonus. My GF is hard of hearing, so they help no end. that said, you would be suprised how many movies do not bother.
For my it's sort of the reverse in terms of subtitles. Living in Iceland movies are generally subtitled, but since a) I speak english and b) the subtitles are often badly done, I'm very happy to be able to turn 'em off :)

Extras are an odd one. I don't honestly have the time to sit through 6+ hours per movie (hmm, a look at Lindesy Lohan's wardrobe) , so i tend not to let it affect me when buying. Commentaries are things i rarely use. I agree with the point on the special edition LOTR disks though, they are cool. :cool:
My point exactly. I still haven't had a look through the bonus DVD that came with the Indy collection, and those are movies I really enjoyed! You can just imagine my hurry to watch the extras on, say, Rush Hour.

Back to the Star Wars disks, if i get them (and i still might, the image quality enhancement does look great) then it won't be the extras i'll be going for, it'll be the movies themselves, even if they are the latest Luca$ re-edits.
Agreed 100% percent. I read the review of those disks on The Digital Bits ( http://www.thedigitalbits.com/reviews3/starwarstrilogy.html ) and realized that this was the only way to own these movies.

I am sad that Lucas isn't also releasing the original cuts (with seamless branching) but I guess you can't have everything.
And jesus get over it. Business men want your money, YES. That's their job.

I still do not get your point, are you complaining that extra features are dvds? Just because you or I love LOTR there are plenty of people that don’t but love maybe some other crappie movie I don’t care about surely they should have extras if they want?

I have to disagree with you on this as added bonus content is a nice addition on the DVD. I have over 200 in my collection and have loved the extras on B5, Back to the Future, Indiana Jones, LOTR, Buffy, Star Trek. Plus there are many smaller films like Momento or Butterfly Effect where I have found the extras fascinating. I could go on and on but the bottom line is every industry is after you money but to berate them because they try to make their packages more interesting is bizarre.
There have been plenty of times where I'm walking through the DVD isle, excitedly pick up a movie I want to buy, see that there are no extras and set the thing back on the shelf. For a DVD to be worth my money I need to be sure I'm going to watch it repeatedly or get something out of it I wouldn't just by catching a random movie on tv.

On another note while I'm already feeling guilt about it I will buy the Star Wars DVDs when they come out. Yes I know a better set will come out in HDdvd or blue ray, yes I know I shouldn't reward Lucas for screwing with the movies but I'm going to be a sucker anyway. He's got enough money and seems stubborn enough that only his heirs running through the millions left them will get the originals released. I know this still doesn't excuse my purchase but oh well.
What is it about George Lucas decision to release only a super-duper modified version of Star Wars that pisses off fans so much???

No wait, don't get aggravated, let me explain.

Sure, I understand the wish to be able to enjoy the Star Wars movies you remember and fell in love with. Sure, I think it's a bit disappointing of Lucas not to release the original versions for you to enjoy on DVD (however, it's well within his rights, fans sometimes get all soapboxy on how Lucas OWNS them to give them the original versions - Lucas doesn't OWN you shit).

But that being said...

I really don't get what's the problem with this release to get all angry about (aside from the fact that releasing the originals would have been nice). I think this upcoming release actually is pretty respectful to the fans. It seems that Lucas is trying to give the fans what they want.

Top 3 problems with the '97 special editions (according to film critics and message boards geeks like us worldwide):
1. A New Hope: Greedo shooting first - adjusted in the '04 release so that Han and Greedo shoot more-or-less at the same time.
2. A New Hope: Han's encounter with the frighteningly awful animated Jabba the Hutt - now rerenvisioned with 2004 computer power.
3. Empire strikes back: Luke's girly scream as he let's himself fall to get away from Vader - removed in this new release.

What's the point you ask? I'm getting there. I NEVER and I mean EVER read a piece from a film critic or fan saying: 'I detest that updated digital X-wing fighter doing all kinds of cool manoeuvres that the original models on strings couldn't', or: 'How awful are those windows on Bespin that allow us to look outside and thereby suspending our disbelief that it's just a set', or: well, I don't need to go on.

My point is: aside from the original versions not appearing on DVD (well, that and the updated epIII Anakin Skywalker spectral image in the end *shudder*) George Lucas is giving his fans what they have been gagging for. By again changing the things that annoyed the hell out of us back in '97, he's showing respect to us and legitimizing our complaints.

And how do must of us repay him...
It's partly the same argument as with Ted Turner and his Colorizing of Black and White Classics, and partly, the fact that he keeps changing everything, rather than creatively writing the Prequels to fit. The Anakin spectre is a pretty big one. Also the bit about Leia and Amidala upsets alot of folks.
I suspect you mean "owe" and not "own" as well as "most of us" not "must of us"?

Uh, I don't see any need to "repay" one of the richest men in the country. I just think it's pitiful that he can't create anymroe, so he just keeps rewriting and rewriting and rewriting his one period of creative success.

He can redo the whole damned thing with handpuppets for all I care. It just makes it difficult for serious collectors who are not into revisionist film history. But if he keeps this up much longer, there might be no valid claim to these works being part of film history.

The guy should either retire or create something new. This is just sad. :eek:
Sure, I understand the wish to be able to enjoy the Star Wars movies you remember and fell in love with. Sure, I think it's a bit disappointing of Lucas not to release the original versions for you to enjoy on DVD (however, it's well within his rights
Speaking only for myself:

That is it in it's entirety. I never said that Lucas owes (as opposed to owns ;) ) me anything. I said that while he is within his rights to put out only the new version, I am equally within my rights to refuse to buy that version from him.

Flat out, for my money (literally), the *original* version of Star Wars that came out in 1977 is simply a better movie than the 1997 special edition and its decendants. I would spend money to buy *that* movie. I won't spend money to buy the newer versions. Sure, I paid to see the special edition in a theater, and I wasn't disappointed to spend the money to see it, once. It was kinda cool to see all of the extra stuff, once. It was kinda like checking out the "Deleted Scenes" in the DVD extras, but having them inseted into the whole movie so that you could see them in context. However, the bottom line is that, regardless of how good those extra scenes (or extra footage added to old scenes) are on their own, having them in the movie slows it down and hurts the overall pacing, which was perfect in the originally released edit.

And, yes, the one change that does annoy me a bit on its own merits is the changing of "Han shoots *first*". Don't bother telling me that he re-modified the exact timing to something in between the 1977 and 1997 versions. Just put it back to the original. Han's individual character arc is better and more interesting with that starting point.
The whole 'who shoots first' thing also shows the change Han goes through during the movies. Shooting first shows he will do damn near anything to save his own neck, and later he risks his life to save Luke and in ROTJ agrees to lead the raid to take out the shield. Big change going from a self-centered-do-whatever-it-takes-shoot-first-ask-questions-later-smartass to risking your life for others.
I am actually one of the few that enjoy Mr. Lucas’s tinkering with the trilogy, I have grown up wit SW and enjoy seeing it updated every now and then, as I get older and change so does SW.

I find it amusing that people say that it is sad that he keeps going back and touching up his masterpiece because he cannot make anything new. Look at what the man has achieved in his career, not only has he created a trilogy that lingers in pop culture almost 25 years latter but has changed the movie making world. He has introduced us to the world of special effects with ILM, huge orchestrated magical scores, Skywalker sound, Lucas film, Lucasarts, his company created the forerunner of Avid, founded Pixar, owns all the rights to his own movies and can chose to finance any project he wants.
No one questions his right to do this. We only question his judgement.

I look forward to the rambling sock puppet version that will come out around 2010. ;)
I like sock puppets.

I suspect you mean "owe" and not "own" as well as "most of us" not "must of us"?

I'm from the Netherlands, so forgive me if my English isn't perfect. At any rate, my English probably is a whole lot better than your Dutch! :D
not only has he created a trilogy that lingers in pop culture almost 25 years latter but has changed the movie making world. He has introduced us to the world of special effects with ILM, huge orchestrated magical scores, Skywalker sound, Lucas film, Lucasarts, his company created the forerunner of Avid, founded Pixar, owns all the rights to his own movies and can chose to finance any project he wants.

Fully agree. And I also believe he really loves the CINEMA.

It does not bother me the Special editions. What I am really unhappy is about the scene that they substituted the old Anakin to the young Anakin. That was a really terrible decision.

I am looking forward to see the third movie. I understand they already have a trailer available. Does anybody now where to download?
As far as I know, there isn't an 'official' trailer just yet. I know there are some fan made ones out there. Filming didn't even wrap until about two or three weeks ago.

As much as I hate to admit, I'll be getting the trilogy on DVD, despite how disgusted I am at some of the changes.

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