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Starge SG-1


I was recently browsing the website Gateworld.net and found an interesting bit of news concerning the Sci Fi channel. Im a big fan of Stargate the series and the movie so I was pretty excited. Apparently the Sci Fi channel is trying to produce a live action spin off of SG-1 for the 2004-2005 line-up. It's going to be called Stargate Atlantis. I'll post a link to the article but be warned, it does contain spoilers for episodes of this season. I know this isn't as good as news that perhaps Farscape has been renewed but for now I'll take what I can get.

Stargate article
SG-1 is a live action as well. ;)

Anyhoo, this one looks good. The movie that is in the works would probably be the tie in between SG-1 and Atlantis. More Stargatey Goodness! :D :D :D

Rommie ;)
Yeah it prolly is. I've seen it listed in TV Guide and decided against it..why ruin a good thing in my mind? Once I see it...I can never go back...
I like Stargate, but I don't watch Scifi, so I don't get to see much of it any more. I used to watch the older seasons on a local TV station, but they don't seem to be on any more. :(
RW, are you near Cleveland? The local Fox station (WJW 8) here still shows SG-1 in syndication on the weekends. They're currently in the second half of season 5 - the only season the SciFi Channel doesn't have the rights to air yet.

As for SG:A, I've been semi-following that story for awhile.
Not very spoiler-filled SPOILER for the season 6 finale:
I would guess lots what happened (won't specify in case people haven't seen it) in that episode was setting up for the spin-off. At least that's how I watched the episode, already hearing about the new series the elements just seemed to make sense. :)

I was going to post that earlier...Fox has the syndication rights at the moment (until Sept. 2003). Then after that I believe Sci Fi is going to or already has purchased them. So either way, hopefully next year they will season 5 since I have missed some of the eps.
I was going to post that earlier...Fox has the syndication rights at the moment (until Sept. 2003).

In Pittsburgh PA, it's on the local UPN station (WNPA 19, Cable Ch.19), not FOX (WPGH 53, Cable Ch. 7).
In Pittsburgh PA, it's on the local UPN station (WNPA 19), not FOX (WPGH 53

Frell..I hate when I do that. They switched Fox and UPN on my cable about 6 months ago. Use to be 12=UPN and 13=Fox, now it's 12=Fox and 13=UPN..I still can't get that straight.
In Pittsburgh PA, it's on the local UPN station (WNPA 19), not FOX (WPGH 53

Frell..I hate when I do that. They switched Fox and UPN on my cable about 6 months ago. Use to be 12=UPN and 13=Fox, now it's 12=Fox and 13=UPN..I still can't get that straight.

It just takes practice. That and the fact I am not watching either channel anymore.

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