KoshN - I felt like it after driving four hours today on clogged highway! Channe vs. the Eighteen-Wheelers. I needed a gunnery pod. And it *would* have been like the Liandra - old, beat-up, twenty-year-old-POS-you-have-to-kick-to-make-work against the minions of Something Rather Nasty... hey, if you take the metaphor far enough, it does work.
Or just shows that I have too much of a English-major brain.
Enid-Raye - I can't speak for the others, but I would absolutely *love* to run around the universe in a spaceship for a paycheck, even if it did require large amounts of latex, plywood, and paint to do so... /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif What a neat way to earn your grocery money...