<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tovas:
Well just tell me. I'm not going to get to read the books any time soon and watching the show will not happen any time soon so please tell me everything all of you know about them, don't hold back anything I want to know it all.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Okay, here it is...
<table bgcolor=black><tr><td bgcolor=black><font size=1 color=white>Spoiler:</font></td></tr><tr><td><font size=2 color=black>The Techno-Mages were formed by an extinct race about a thousand years ago -- oddly enough, about the same time as the last Shadow war. They are ruled by a "circle" of 5 elected Techno-Mages; and follow 7 tenets:
<UL TYPE=SQUARE><LI>Solidarity
Interestingly enough, there is no glyph in the ancient language for "good." The glyph for "useful" is used instead.
The Techno-Mages have convocations every 3 years. There have been 333 so far, and Kosh has spied on all of them. Over the centuries, many races have been represented; but Kosh likes the direction the new, heavier representation of humans are taking the group.
Upper level apprentices are given an implant in the back of their heads/necks, and a chrysalis that attaches to their heads/backs. During initiation, they receive permanent, internal implants in a very painful ceremony.
Many Techno-Mages then take the Chrysalis that each has trained with, and plant/bury it somewhere on their home planets. This is known as their place of power, and enables them to call on the strength of the planets themselves. The further away a Techno-Mage travels from his/her place of power, the less powerful he/she becomes.
When the Shadows are rumored to reappearing, it's mentioned that Vorlons aside, the Techno-Mages may be the only force around powerful enough to put up a fight. However, the Circle votes instead to flee known space.
Part of the reason is that the Circle receives the chrysalis and implant technology from the Shadows. At this point, we don't know the terms of this deal.
Second, perhaps because the implants are Shadow designed, Techno-Mages (who have the internal Shadow implants from initiation)have a tendency to aggression. If they start fighting, some members of the Circle are afraid at least some Techno-Mages may not be able to stop. This would violate what they stand for -- good (for which there is no symbol in the ancient language).
Of course, that's the very short version.
"What's up, Drakh?"
Michael Garibaldi