More to the point, why didn't G'kar approach Byron? The Narn have made attempts to buy Telepath DNA on (evidently) several occasions, Byron's crew could have provided him with scores of different viable samples. In exchange, I'm sure the Narn would have been only too happy to provide them with a world in their own space, or, failing that, a continent on some underpopulated world, or at least a big space station of their own, and certainly the Narn would have defended them if it was in their own benefit to do so. And G'Kar *must* have known what was going on with them, at least to some extent.
I agree. That makes a lot of sense.
I agree as well. It makes so much sense that I think JMS might have over looked the obvious. To bad JMS concentrated more on the telepaths than the Centauri war for season 5. Maybe it was budget constraints that forced him into this.