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Teep war...



You all seem to know so much about the telepath war, and especially who will die.
Where and when did JMS give that information?
And, was it JMS who gave that info?


And I tell you one thing, if the primates that we came from, had known that someday politicians would come out of the gene pool, they would have stayed up in the trees and written evolution of as a bad idea.
(John Sheridan, A Distant Star)
Bits and piceses have been revealed many places. The Crusade writer's Bible and the Crusade episode The Path of Sorrows gave away a fair bit.

Jms has also said alot on the newsgroup rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.moderated. His messages there are archived at http://www.jmsnews.com/
I'll have a look...

And I tell you one thing, if the primates that we came from, had known that someday politicians would come out of the gene pool, they would have stayed up in the trees and written evolution of as a bad idea.
(John Sheridan, A Distant Star)